Version: 2021.2
Installing a feature set

Adding and removing

可通过 Package Manager 窗口执行多种任务:

The procedures described in these sections obscure a lot of the details of what the Package Manager is actually doing behind the scenes. The Package Manager window provides a user-friendly way to install and uninstall packages, by adding and removing packages as project dependencies in your project’s manifest, and then selecting the correct version to install, which doesn’t always match the version you indicated. For more information, see Dependency and resolution.

访问 Package Manager 窗口

要打开 Package Manager 窗口,请导航到 Unity 的主菜单,然后转到 Window > Package Manager

从 Window 菜单中访问 Package Manager 窗口
从 Window 菜单中访问 Package Manager 窗口

Installing a feature set
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