Version: 2022.1
2D 多边形碰撞体 (Polygon Collider 2D)
2D 胶囊碰撞体 (Capsule Collider 2D)

2D 边界碰撞体 (Edge Collider 2D)

The Edge Collider 2D component is a Collider that interacts with the 2D physics system. The Collider’s shape is a freeform edge made of line segments that you can adjust to fit the shape of a Sprite or any other shape. The Collider’s start and end points do not need to meet or completely enclose an area to function (unlike the Polygon Collider 2D), and can form a straight line or other single edge shape.

属性 功能
Edit Collider Select the Edit Polyline button (polyline icon) to make the collider outline editable. See the Collider Shortcuts below for the shortcuts available when Edit Collider is enabled.
Material Select the Physics Material 2D for this Collider to determine how it interacts with other Colliders.
Is Trigger 启用此属性可使该碰撞体充当触发器。
Used by Effector 启用此属性可使附加的 Effector 2D 组件使用此碰撞体。
Offset X/Y 设置 x/ y 相当于使碰撞体几何形状偏移。
Edge Radius 设置一个值,以形成围绕碰撞体边界的半径。这会产生一个具有圆凸角的更大 2D 碰撞体。默认值为 0(没有半径)。
Points 有关生成碰撞体的复杂性的不可编辑信息。
    Use Adjacent Start Point Enable this property to calculate the collision response using the Adjacent Start Point to form the collision normal when a collision occurs at the Edge Collider’s start point.
    Adjacent Start Point X/Y 设置 Adjacent Start Point 的 x/y 坐标。
    Use Adjacent End Point Enable this property to calculate the collision response using the Adjacent End Point to form the collision normal when a collision occurs at the Edge Collider’s end point.
    Adjacent End Point X/Y 设置 Adjacent End Point 的 x/y 坐标。

Collider Shortcuts (when Edit Collider is enabled)

Shortcut 功能
按住并拖动顶点或边。 将选定的顶点和边移动到不同的位置。
单击边上的任意位置。 通过单击边上的空白区域创建一个新顶点。
Hold the Ctrl (Windows) or Command (macOS) key and select a vertex or edge. 删除选定的顶点或边。
2D 多边形碰撞体 (Polygon Collider 2D)
2D 胶囊碰撞体 (Capsule Collider 2D)
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