Version: 2018.4
Splash Screen


Use the Player settings to set various options for the final game built by Unity.

There are a few general settings that are the same regardless of the build target. These are covered below.

Most settings, however, are platform-specific and divided into the following sections:

  • Icon: el icono(s) del juego como se muestra en el escritorio.
  • Resolution and Presentation: ajustes para la resolución de pantalla y otros detalles de presentación como si el juego debería estar por defecto en un modo de pantalla completa (fullscreen).
  • Splash Image: the image shown while the game is launching. This section also includes common settings for creating a Splash Screen, which are documented in the Splash Screen section.
  • Other Settings: cualquiera de los ajustes específicos de la plataforma restantes.
  • Publishing Settings: detalles acerca de cómo la aplicación construida es preparada para su lanzamiento desde la app store o página web anfitriona.
  • XR Settings: settings specific to Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Mixed Reality applications.

You can find information about the settings specific to individual platforms in the platform’s own manual section. Not all sections are supported on every platform. This table provides a breakdown of which platform support these sections:

Icono Resolución y Presentación Imagen Splash Debugging and Crash Reporting Other Settings Publishing Settings XR Settings
Apple TV / tvOS
WebGL (√)
Facebook (√)
Universal Windows / WSA

General settings

Player settings that are available for all platforms
Player settings that are available for all platforms
Propiedad: Función:
Company Name Enter the name of your company. This is used to locate the preferences file.
Product Name Enter the name that appears on the menu bar when your game is running. Unity also uses this to locate the preferences file.
Version Enter the version number of your application.
Default Icon Pick the the Texture 2D file that you want to use as a default icon for the application on every platform. You can override this for specific platforms.
Default Cursor Pick the the Texture 2D file that you want to use as a default cursor for the application on every supported platform.
Cursor Hotspot Set the offset value (in pixels) from the top left of the default cursor to the location of the cursor hotspot.
Splash Screen
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