Version: 2022.3
言語: 日本語
Art styles for 2D games
Creating a 2D game

Initial setup for 2D games

Note: For this guide, Unity recommends and assumes that you choose the Universal Render Pipeline (URP) and not the Built-in Render Pipeline.

  1. Install Unity version 2019 LTS or a later version; see Installing Unity.

  2. Create a new project with the 2D template.

  3. In the Package Manager, install the latest URP package version; see Installing the Universal Render Pipeline into an existing Project.

  4. Set up a 2D Renderer; see the 2D Renderer Setup steps.

  5. Install any optional packages you need; see Installing packages.

Installing packages

Most packages you need to make a 2D game in Unity are included in the Unity Editor. The following table lists the packages included by default when you choose the 2D template:

Package 説明
2D Animation 2D Animation provides the necessary tooling and runtime components for applying skeletal animation to your Sprites.
2D Pixel Perfect The 2D Pixel Perfect package contains the Pixel Perfect Camera component, which ensures your pixel art remains crisp and clear at different resolutions, and stable in motion.
2D PSD Importer The 2D PSD Importer package allows you to import multilayered PSD files from Photoshop. You can use this for your Sprites, or to rig your characters.
2D Sprite The Sprite Editor provides an in-Editor environment to create and edit Sprite assets. Sprite Editor lets you add custom behavior for editing Sprite-related data.
2D SpriteShape 2D Sprite Shape allows you to create organic shapes and terrains, similar to a vector drawing tool. For example, you can choose the fill texture and border Sprites.
2D Tilemap Editor 2D Tilemap Editor allows you to create grid-based worlds with square, hexagonal or isometric tiles. Add your Tiles to the Tile Palette, and paint and fill Tile Grids using different settings and brushes. Extra tools let you add smart drawing, randomization or animation to the Tile assets.

The following table lists some optional packages you can install that might be particularly useful for 2D game development:

Package 説明
Shader Graph Shader Graph lets you build your shaders visually.
Cinemachine The Cinemachine package is a suite of modules that provide advanced functionality for operating the Unity Camera.
2D Tilemap Extras The 2D Tilemap Extras package contains reusable 2D and Tilemap Editor scripts that you can use for your own Projects.
Art styles for 2D games
Creating a 2D game
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