Version: 2020.3
ShaderLab legacy functionality
ShaderLab: legacy lighting

ShaderLab: legacy fog

Note: The ShaderLab functionality on this page is legacy, and is documented for backwards compatibility only. If your shader source file includes HLSL code, Unity ignores these commands completely. If your shader source file does not include HLSL code, Unity compiles these commands into regular shader programs on import.

렌더 파이프라인 호환성

Feature name 빌트인 렌더 파이프라인 유니버설 렌더 파이프라인(URP) 고해상도 렌더 파이프라인(HDRP) Custom SRP
Legacy fog 지원 지원 안 함 지원 안 함 지원 안 함


Use the Fog command to enable or disable Unity’s built-in fog, in shaders that are written using legacy fixed-function style commands.

Configure the project settings for the built-in fog effect using the RenderSettings class, or the Lighting window, and then use this command to enable or disable fog in a given Pass.

Fogging blends the color of the generated pixels down towards a given color, based on the distance from the camera. Fogging does not modify a blended pixel’s alpha value, only its RGB components.

Valid parameter values

파라미터 기능
Mode Off Do not apply built-in fog to this Pass.
Global Apply built-in fog to this Pass, based on the project settings.

Note that if fog is disabled in the project settings, Unity will not apply it to this Pass.


This example code demonstrates the syntax for using this command in a Pass block.

Shader "Examples/FogExample"
         // The rest of the code that defines the SubShader goes here.

              Fog Off
              // The rest of the code that defines the Pass goes here.
ShaderLab legacy functionality
ShaderLab: legacy lighting
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