Version: 2023.2
언어: 한국어
Connect the profiler to UWP
IL2CPP scripting backend for UWP

UWP scripting symbols

Unity has a range of built-in scripting symbols which represent options that you can use in your scripts to selectively include or exclude portions of code from compilation. For more information on conditional compilation, refer to Conditional compilation.

Note: You can also refer to scripting symbols can as define symbols, preprocessor defines, or defines.

Unity automatically defines these scripting symbols for Universal Windows Platform (UWP):

Scripting symbol 설명
UNITY_WINRT Defined on all scripts.
UNITY_WSA Defined on all scripts.
UNITY_WINRT_10_0 Defined on all scripts.
UNITY_WSA_10_0 Defined on all scripts.
ENABLE_IL2CPP Defined on all scripts when using IL2CPP scripting backend.
WINDOWS_UWP Defined on all scripts when building for UWP.
ENABLE_WINMD_SUPPORT Defined on all scripts when building for UWP.

추가 리소스

Connect the profiler to UWP
IL2CPP scripting backend for UWP
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