Version: 2023.2
언어: 한국어
Windows Build Settings
Introduction to Universal Windows Platform

Universal Windows Platform

Universal Windows Platform (UWP) provides a common app platform on every device that runs Windows, such as Windows 10+, HoloLens, and more. You can use UWP to build your Unity apps for any Windows device and publish them to the Microsoft Store, without needing to rewrite the app for each platform.

항목 설명
Introduction to Universal Windows Platform Understand the key requirements and concepts for UWP.
Get started with Universal Windows Platform Learn about UWP-specific settings and how to set up a project for UWP development.
Develop for Universal Windows Platform Understand UWP-specific development information, such as deep linking, profiler connection, and more advanced topics.
Build and deliver for Universal Windows Platform Build and deliver your content for UWP.

추가 리소스

  • “Windows Store” 플랫폼은 Unity 2017.1에서 “유니버설 Windows 플랫폼”으로 이름이 변경되었음NewIn20171
Windows Build Settings
Introduction to Universal Windows Platform
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