패키지 명명
패키지에 테스트 추가

패키지 레이아웃

다음은 커스텀 패키지에 대한 권장 패키지 레이아웃입니다.

  ├── package.json
  ├── README.md
  ├── CHANGELOG.md
  ├── LICENSE.md
  ├── Third Party Notices.md
  ├── Editor
  │   ├── <company-name>.<package-name>.Editor.asmdef
  │   └── EditorExample.cs
  ├── Runtime
  │   ├── <company-name>.<package-name>.asmdef
  │   └── RuntimeExample.cs
  ├── Tests
  │   ├── Editor
  │   │   ├── <company-name>.<package-name>.Editor.Tests.asmdef
  │   │   └── EditorExampleTest.cs
  │   └── Runtime
  │        ├── <company-name>.<package-name>.Tests.asmdef
  │        └── RuntimeExampleTest.cs
  ├── Samples~
  │        ├── SampleFolder1
  │        ├── SampleFolder2
  │        └── ...
  └── Documentation~
       └── <package-name>.md

많은 공식 Unity 패키지에서도 이 구조를 구현합니다.

위치 설명
package.json 패키지 종속성 및 기타 메타데이터를 정의하는 패키지 매니페스트입니다.
README.md Developer package documentation. This is generally documentation to help developers who want to change the package or push a new change on the package’s main branch.
CHANGELOG.md Description of package changes in reverse chronological order. It’s good practice to use a standard format, like Keep a Changelog.
LICENSE.md 패키지 라이선스 텍스트가 들어 있습니다. 대개 패키지 관리자는 선택된 SPDX 리스트 웹사이트에서 텍스트를 복사합니다.
Third Party Notices.md Contains information that’s required to meet legal requirements.
Editor/ Editor platform-specific Assets folder. Unlike Editor folders under Assets, this is only a convention and doesn’t affect the Asset import pipeline. Refer to Assembly definition and packages to properly configure Editor-specific assemblies in this folder.
Runtime/ Runtime platform-specific Assets folder. This is only a convention and doesn’t affect the Asset import pipeline. Refer to Assembly definition and packages to properly configure runtime assemblies in this folder.
Tests/ 패키지에 모든 포함된 테스트를 저장하는 폴더입니다.
Tests/Editor/ Editor platform specific tests folder. Refer to Assembly definition and packages to properly configure Editor-specific test assemblies in this folder.
Tests/Runtime/ Runtime platform specific tests. Refer to Assembly definition and packages to properly configure runtime test assemblies in this folder.
Samples~/ 패키지에 모든 포함된 샘플을 저장하는 폴더입니다.
Documentation~ 패키지에 모든 포함된 문서를 저장하는 폴더입니다.

Unity ignores the contents of any folder name that ends with the ~ character, and doesn’t track them with .meta files. However, you need to include .meta files for the Editor, Runtime, and Tests folders and their contents in order for them to work properly. For more information on .meta files and how Unity uses them for tracking, refer to Asset workflow.

패키지 명명
패키지에 테스트 추가
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"Unity"、Unity 徽标及其他 Unity 商标是 Unity Technologies 或其附属机构在美国及其他地区的商标或注册商标。其他名称或品牌是其各自所有者的商标。