Version: 2023.2
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Android plug-in types

Create and use plug-ins in Android

You can use plug-ins to deliver resources and call Java and C++ code created outside of Unity from your C# scripts. They enable you to access features, like third-party code libraries and operating systems calls, that would otherwise not be available to Unity. For more information about plug-ins with Unity, see Plug-ins.

This section describes how to create your own plug-ins and use them in Android projects. The information on these pages assumes you already know how to create native plug-ins for Unity. For more information about native plug-ins and their uses, see Native plug-ins.

항목 설명
Android plug-in types Understand the different plug-in types available for Unity Android applications.
Call Java and Kotlin plug-in code from C# scripts Interact with Java and Kotlin plug-in code from your C# scripts.

Unity as a Library

프로젝트를 Unity 2019.4 이상으로 업그레이드하는 경우 Unity as a Library를 도입하려면 Android에서 제대로 작동하도록 네이티브 플러그인과 관리되는 플러그인을 조정해야 할 수 있습니다.

Optimize for user preferences
Android plug-in types
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