Version: 2019.4
The Lighting window
Lighting Mode: Baked Indirect

Lighting Mode

This section describes the effect of the Lighting Mode property in the Lighting window.

The Lighting Mode that you choose in the Lighting window determines the behavior of all Mixed Lights in the current Scene. The available modes are:

  • Baked Indirect combines real-time direct lighting with baked indirect lighting. It provides real-time shadows. This Lighting Mode offers realistic lighting and reasonable shadow fidelity, and is suitable for mid-range hardware.
  • Shadowmask combines real-time direct lighting with baked indirect lighting. It enables baked shadows for distant GameObjects, and blends them automatically with real-time shadows. It is the most realistic, but also the most resource-intensive Lighting Mode. You can use Quality Settings to configure its performance and visual fidelity. This Lighting Mode is suitable for high-end or mid-range hardware.
  • Subtractive provides baked direct and indirect lighting. It renders direct real-time shadows for one Directional Light only. This Lighting Mode doesn’t provide particularly realistic lighting results, and is suitable for stylized art or low-end hardware.

Setting your Scene’s Lighting Mode

  1. Open the Lighting window (menu: Window > Rendering > Lighting Settings).
  2. Select the Scene tab.
  3. Navigate to Mixed Lighting.
  4. Use the drop-down menu to set the Lighting Mode.
The Lighting window
Lighting Mode: Baked Indirect
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