Version: 2021.3
言語: 日本語
IMGUI イベント



In UI Toolkit, a control combines a visual elements with scripting into a template that you can use inside a UI panel.


For example, the Toggle control as shown below, contains three elements:

  • テキストラベル
  • ボックスの画像
  • チェックマークの画像

The implementation of the Toggle control defines the behavior of the control. It has an internal value of whether the toggle state is true or false. This logic alternates the visibility of the checkmark image when the value changes.

Add controls to a UI

To use a control in a UI, add it to the Visual Tree. You can add the control through a C# script, UXML, or in the UI Builder.

The following C# code example adds a Button control to an existing visual tree.

var newButton = new Button("Click me!");

When adding controls to a UI hierarchy, the layout engine automatically handles the sizing and positioning. You can also override the size and position of visual elements.

You can define the look of visual elements with one of the following methods:

  • Create a USS file.
  • Define the look directly in UI Builder.
  • Modify the style property of the element in a C# script.

Interact with controls

Controls are interactive and represent a value that you can change. For example, a FloatField represents a float value. You can create C# scripts to change the value of a control, register a callback, or apply data binding.

Change the control value

To access or change the value of a control, use its value property.

The following C# example creates a Toggle control and a Button control. When you click the button, the value of the toggle flips.

// トグルを作成してコールバックを登録
m_MyToggle = new Toggle("Test Toggle") { name = "My Toggle" };

// トグルの値を反転するボタンを作成
Button button01 = new Button() { text = "Toggle" };
button01.clicked += () =>
    m_MyToggle.value = !m_MyToggle.value;

For more information about the properties of a specific control, see the UI Toolkit controls reference.

Register a callback

Controls that have value properties send an event if the value changes. You can register a callback to receive this event.

The following code example creates a Toggle control and registers a callback:

// トグルを作成してコールバックを登録
m_MyToggle = new Toggle("Test Toggle") { name = "My Toggle" };
m_MyToggle.RegisterValueChangedCallback((evt) => { Debug.Log("Change Event received"); });

コールバックとイベントの詳細は、イベントの処理 を参照してください。

Apply data binding

You can bind controls to an object or a serialized property. For example, you can bind a FloatField control to a public float variable that belongs to a MonoBehaviour. When the control binds to the property, it automatically displays the value of the property. When you modify the control, the value of the property updates.

Similarly, when the property value changes via code, the UI displays the updated value. This two-way connection is useful when creating custom Inspector windows.

See Binding for information on data binding.

Not all controls are bindable. For a list of built-in controls and whether they support binding, see UI Toolkit controls reference.

Built-in and custom controls

Unity includes a large range of standard controls, such as labels, text fields, and toggles.

You can also create custom controls, and implement custom logic for user interface elements. For more information, see Custom controls.

IMGUI イベント
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