Want to create your first UI with UI Toolkit? Use this basic UI Toolkit workflow example to get started.
Note: For demonstration purpose, this guide describes how to add UI controls for the Editor UI. However, the instructions on adding UI controls to a UI Document also apply to runtime UI. For more information, see Get started with runtime UI.
If you perform a specific task often, you can use UI Toolkit to create a dedicated UI for it. For example you can create a custom Editor window. The example demonstrates how to create a custom Editor window and add UI controls into your custom Editor window with UI Builder, UXML, and C# script.
この例で作成するすべてのファイルは、GitHub リポジトリ にあります。
folder, and then select Create > UI Toolkit > Editor Window.MyCustomEditor
.This creates a custom Editor window with two labels. You can open the Editor window from the menu (Window > UI Toolkit > MyCustomEditor). You can find the source files for it in the Assets/Editor
以下の方法で UI コントロールをウィンドウに加えることができます。
You can use any of these methods individually, or combine. The following examples create three sets of labels, buttons, and toggles with a combination of these methods.
To visually add UI controls to your window, use UI Builder. The following steps add a button and a toggle into your custom Editor window in addition to the default label.
をダブルクリックして、UI Builder を開きます。These controls were created in UI Builder
in the Text field.This is button1
in the Text field.button1
in the Name field.Number?
in the Label field.toggle1
in the Name field.If you prefer to define your UI in a text file, you can edit the UXML to add the UI controls. The following steps add another set of label, button, and toggle into your window.
フォルダーで、Assets > Create > UI Toolkit > UI Document をクリックして、MyCustomEditor_UXML.uxml
という UXML ファイルを作成します。
Click the arrow on MyCustomEditor_UXML.uxml
in the Project window.
Double-click inlineStyle
to open MyCustomEditor_UXML.uxml
in a text editor.
Replace the contents of MyCustomEditor_UXML.uxml
with the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<engine:Label text="These controls were created with UXML." />
<engine:Button text="This is button2" name="button2"/>
<engine:Toggle label="Number?" name="toggle2"/>
クラスに m_UXMLTree
という名の private の VisualTreeAsset
フィールドを追加します。その上に [SerializeField]
private VisualTreeAsset m_UXMLTree;
Add the following code to the end of CreateGUI()
Project ウィンドウで MyCustomEditor.cs
を Project ウィンドウから Inspector の UXML Tree フィールドにドラッグします。これで、UXML がビジュアルツリーに割り当てられます。
Select Window > UI Toolkit > MyCustomEditor. This opens your custom Editor window with three labels, two buttons, and two toggles.
If you prefer coding, you can add UI Controls to your window with a C# script. The following steps add another set of label, button, and toggle into your window.
Unity では、ラベル、ボタン、トグルなどの基本的な UI コントロールに UnityEngine.UIElements
を使用します。UI コントロールを使用するには、(まだ存在しない場合は) 以下の宣言を加える必要があります。
using UnityEngine.UIElements;
既存のラベルのテキストを "Hello World!From C#"
から "These controls were created using C# code."
EditorWindow クラスには rootVisualElement
と呼ばれるプロパティがあります。UI コントロールをウィンドウに追加するには、まず、いくつかの属性を持つ要素クラスをインスタンス化し、rootVisualElement
の Add
完成した CreateGUI()
public void CreateGUI()
// Each editor window contains a root VisualElement object
VisualElement root = rootVisualElement;
// VisualElements objects can contain other VisualElements following a tree hierarchy.
Label label = new Label("These controls were created using C# code.");
Button button = new Button();
button.name = "button3";
button.text = "This is button3.";
Toggle toggle = new Toggle();
toggle.name = "toggle3";
toggle.label = "Number?";
// Import UXML
var visualTree = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<VisualTreeAsset>("Assets/Editor/MyCustomEditor.uxml");
VisualElement labelFromUXML = visualTree.Instantiate();
Close your custom Editor window if you haven’t done so.
Select Window > UI Toolkit > MyCustomEditor to re-open your custom Editor window to see three labels, three buttons, and three toggles.
UI コントロールにイベントハンドラーを設定すると、ボタンをクリックしたときや、トグルを選択/クリアしたときに、UI コントロールが何らかのタスクを実行します。
In this example, set up event handlers that:
Your finished MyCustomEditor.cs
looks like the following:
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;
public class MyCustomEditor : EditorWindow
[MenuItem("Window/UI Toolkit/MyCustomEditor")]
public static void ShowExample()
MyCustomEditor wnd = GetWindow<MyCustomEditor>();
wnd.titleContent = new GUIContent("MyCustomEditor");
private VisualTreeAsset m_UXMLTree;
private int m_ClickCount = 0;
private const string m_ButtonPrefix = "button";
public void CreateGUI()
// Each editor window contains a root VisualElement object
VisualElement root = rootVisualElement;
// VisualElements objects can contain other VisualElement following a tree hierarchy.
Label label = new Label("These controls were created using C# code.");
Button button = new Button();
button.name = "button3";
button.text = "This is button3.";
Toggle toggle = new Toggle();
toggle.name = "toggle3";
toggle.label = "Number?";
// Import UXML
var visualTree = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<VisualTreeAsset>("Assets/Editor/MyCustomEditor.uxml");
VisualElement labelFromUXML = visualTree.Instantiate();
//Call the event handler
//Functions as the event handlers for your button click and number counts
private void SetupButtonHandler()
VisualElement root = rootVisualElement;
var buttons = root.Query<Button>();
private void RegisterHandler(Button button)
private void PrintClickMessage(ClickEvent evt)
VisualElement root = rootVisualElement;
//Because of the names we gave the buttons and toggles, we can use the
//button name to find the toggle name.
Button button = evt.currentTarget as Button;
string buttonNumber = button.name.Substring(m_ButtonPrefix.Length);
string toggleName = "toggle" + buttonNumber;
Toggle toggle = root.Q<Toggle>(toggleName);
Debug.Log("Button was clicked!" +
(toggle.value ? " Count: " + m_ClickCount : ""));
To try the example, select Window > UI Toolkit > MyCustomEditor.