Version: 2021.1
언어: 한국어
Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


interface in UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental

매뉴얼로 전환


Provides helper methods to create transition animations for VisualElement style values

Public 함수

LayoutTriggers an animation changing this element's layout style values. See Also:, IStyle.left, IStyle.width, IStyle.height.
PositionTriggers an animation changing this element's transform position. See Also: ITransform.position.
RotationTriggers an animation changing this element's transform rotation. See Also: ITransform.rotation.
ScaleTriggers an animation changing this element's transform scale. See Also: ITransform.scale.
SizeTriggers an animation changing this element's size style values. See Also: IStyle.width, IStyle.height.
StartStarts a transition animation on this VisualElement.
TopLeftTriggers an animation changing this element's positioning style values. See Also:, IStyle.left.
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