Legacy Documentation: Version 5.3
VR Devices
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Getting Started (Windows)

You can review more detailed documentation in the Oculus Developer Docs.

  1. Install Oculus Runtime
  2. Reboot
  3. Open Oculus Configuration Utility from the system tray. Hook up your DK2 (DK1 has some known issues right now, use at your own risk).
  4. Make sure you have a User listed in the drop down box. If you don’t, click the + button and add one. Click Show Demo Scene and make sure that the demo scene works correctly. If you are having issues, you can try changing to Extended Mode in Tools -> Rift Display Mode. If you are still having issues at this point, please visit the Oculus forums to troubleshoot.
  5. Exit the demo scene and close the Oculus Config Utility.
  6. Now you are ready to start up Unity, grab the version suggested above, and create a new project. Open menu Edit -> Project Settings -> Player. Select Other Settings, check the Virtual Reality Supported checkbox.
  7. Click Play in the editor. Put on the Rift. You should see a fully head tracked skybox.
  8. Build your game!

Getting Started (Mac)

5.1.0p1 onward works with Oculus Runtime on Mac (10.9+). We plan to still support mac via 0.5.x runtime, but as Oculus announced, Windows + Gear VR is where Oculus’ primary focus will be for the near future.

Since MacOS does not currently support direct rendering, adjusting your display settings to rotate the Rift’s display by 90 degrees is necessary for the DK2. The display settings are located in System Preferences->Displays.

Getting Started (Gear VR)

Be sure that you can deploy a Unity app to your Note4 or S6 (see Getting Started with Android Development)

You do not need to install anything extra on your machine to deploy to Gear VR.

  1. Create an empty project.
  2. Switch your build platform to Android. Open menu Edit -> Project Settings -> Player. Select Other Settings, check the Virtual Reality Supported checkbox.
  3. You must include an Oculus signature file in your project.
  4. Build and run. Insert the device into your headset and see the skybox with head tracking.

Upgrading your project from Oculus Unity Integration Plugin

  • Remove the OVR folder and any Oculus plugins from your project
  • Remove or disable the Camera Rig. Replace with standard Unity Camera.
  • Enable “Virtual Reality Supported” option in Player Settings.
  • Enter play mode in editor.
VR Devices
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