Legacy Documentation: Version 5.3
Main Module
Shape Module

Emission Module

The properties in this module affect the rate and timing of particle emissions.


Property: Function:
Rate The number of particles emitted per unit of time or distance moved (selected from the adjacent popup menu).
Bursts Allows extra particles to be emitted at specified times (only available when the Rate is in Time mode).


The rate of emission can be constant or can vary over the lifetime of the system according to a curve. If Distance mode is selected then a certain number of particles are released per unit of distance moved by the parent object. This is very useful for simulating particles that are actually created by the motion of the object (eg, dust from a car’s wheels on a dirt track). Note that Distance mode is only available when Simulation Space is set to World in the Particle System section.

If the rate is set to Time mode then the desired number of particles will be emitted each second regardless of how the parent object moves. Additionally, you can add bursts of extra particles that appear at specific times. For example, you might have a steam engine chimney that produces puffs of smoke.

Main Module
Shape Module
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