
class in UnityEngine.Networking


다음으로부터 상속:Networking.UploadHandler

매뉴얼로 전환


A general-purpose UploadHandler subclass, using a native-code memory buffer.

This subclass copies input data into a native-code memory buffer at construction time, and transmits that data verbatim as HTTP request body data.


UploadHandlerRawGeneral constructor. Contents of the input argument are copied into a native buffer.

상속된 멤버


contentTypeDetermines the default Content-Type header which will be transmitted with the outbound HTTP request.
dataThe raw data which will be transmitted to the remote server as body data. (Read Only)
progressReturns the proportion of data uploaded to the remote server compared to the total amount of data to upload. (Read Only)

Public 함수

DisposeSignals that this [UploadHandler] is no longer being used, and should clean up any resources it is using.
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