public Rendering.CullingOptions cullingOptions ;


Flags to configure a culling operation in the Scriptable Render Pipeline.

Unity sets some of the CullingOptions flags with default values, and others depending on the properties of the Camera from which you obtained the ScriptableCullingParameters struct. You can override these values before performing the culling operation.

The following example demonstrates how to retrieve a ScriptableCullingParameters object from a Camera, disable occlusion culling on the ScriptableCullingParameters object by unsetting the CullingOptions.OcclusionCull flag, and then use the ScriptableCullingParameters object in a culling operation.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;

public class ExampleRenderPipelineInstance : RenderPipeline { public ExampleRenderPipelineInstance() { }

protected override void Render(ScriptableRenderContext context, Camera[] cameras) { // Get the culling parameters from the desired Camera if (cameras[0].TryGetCullingParameters(out var cullingParameters)) { // Disable occlusion culling cullingParameters.cullingOptions &= ~ CullingOptions.OcclusionCull;

// Schedule the cull operation CullingResults cullingResults = context.Cull(ref cullingParameters);

// Place code that schedules drawing operations using the CullingResults struct here // See ScriptableRenderContext.DrawRenderers for details and examples // …

// Execute all of the scheduled operations, in order context.Submit(); } } }

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