Version: 2017.2


매뉴얼로 전환
public static Object[] FindObjectsOfType (Type type);


type The type of object to find.


Object[] The array of objects found matching the type specified.


Returns a list of all active loaded objects of Type type.

It will return no assets (meshes, textures, prefabs, ...) or inactive objects. Will not return objects that have HideFlags.DontSave set. Use Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll to avoid these limitations.

Please note that this function is very slow. It is not recommended to use this function every frame. In most cases you can use the singleton pattern instead.

    // When clicking on the object, it will disable all springs on all
    // hinges in the scene.

function OnMouseDown () { var hinges : HingeJoint[] = FindObjectsOfType(HingeJoint) as HingeJoint[]; for (var hinge : HingeJoint in hinges) { hinge.useSpring = false; } }
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