Legacy Documentation: Version 5.2
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OnInspectorUpdate is called at 10 frames per second to give the inspector a chance to update.

Align position of the selected objects.

	// Simple script that aligns the position of several selected GameObjects
	// with the first selected one.
	class AlignPosition extends EditorWindow {
		var alignToX = true;var alignToY = true; var alignToZ = true;
		var selected = "";
		var alignTo = "";
		@MenuItem("Example/Align position")
		static function Init() {		
			var window = GetWindow(AlignPosition);
		function OnInspectorUpdate() {
			// Call Repaint on OnInspectorUpdate as it repaints the windows
			// less times as if it was OnGUI/Update
		function OnGUI() {
			GUILayout.Label("Select various Objects in the Hierarchy view");
			selected = Selection.activeTransform ? Selection.activeTransform.name : "";
			for(var t : Transform in Selection.transforms)
				if(t.GetInstanceID() != Selection.activeTransform.GetInstanceID())
					alignTo += t.name + " ";	
			EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Align: ", alignTo);
			alignTo = "";
			EditorGUILayout.LabelField("With: ", selected);
			alignToX = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("X", alignToX);
			alignToY = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Y", alignToY);
			alignToZ = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Z", alignToZ);
		function Align() {
			if(selected == "" || alignTo == "")
				Debug.LogError("No objects selected to align");
			for(var t : Transform in Selection.transforms) {
				var alignementPosition = Selection.activeTransform.position;
				var newPosition : Vector3;
				newPosition.x = alignToX ? alignementPosition.x : t.position.x;
				newPosition.y = alignToY ? alignementPosition.y : t.position.y;
				newPosition.z = alignToZ ? alignementPosition.z : t.position.z;
				t.position = newPosition;	
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