
class in UnityEditor


Hereda de:EditorWindow

Implementa interfaces:IHasCustomMenu

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Use the AnimationWindow class to select and edit Animation clips.

The Animation window will update when selecting Animation clips in the Project window or game objects with Animation players (such as Animator or Animation) in the Scene hierarchy.


animationClipThe animation clip selected in the Animation window.
canPreviewTrue if Animation window can enable preview mode. False otherwise. (Read Only)
canRecordTrue if Animation window can enable recording mode. False otherwise. (Read Only)
frameThe frame number at which the Animation window playhead is located.
playingThis property toggles animation playback in the Animation window.
previewingThis property toggles previewing in the Animation window.
recordingThis property toggles recording in the Animation window.
timeThe time value at which the Animation window playhead is located.

Miembros heredados

Variables Estáticas

focusedWindowThe EditorWindow which currently has keyboard focus. (Read Only)
mouseOverWindowThe EditorWindow currently under the mouse cursor. (Read Only)


autoRepaintOnSceneChangeDoes the window automatically repaint whenever the Scene has changed?
dockedReturns true if EditorWindow is docked.
hasFocusReturns true if EditorWindow is focused.
hasUnsavedChangesWhen set to true in a derived class, the editor will prompt the user to save unsaved changes if the window is about to be closed.
maximizedIs this window maximized?
maxSizeThe maximum size of this window.
minSizeThe minimum size of this window.
positionThe desired position of the window in screen space.
rootVisualElementRetrieves the root visual element of this window hierarchy.
saveChangesMessageThe message that displays to the user if they are prompted to save
titleContentThe GUIContent used for drawing the title of EditorWindows.
wantsLessLayoutEventsSpecifies whether a layout pass is performed before all user events (for example, EventType.MouseDown or [[EventType, KeyDown]]), or is only performed before repaint events.
wantsMouseEnterLeaveWindowChecks whether MouseEnterWindow and MouseLeaveWindow events are received in the GUI in this Editor window.
wantsMouseMoveChecks whether MouseMove events are received in the GUI in this Editor window.

Funciones Públicas

BeginWindowsMark the beginning area of all popup windows.
CloseCerrar la ventana del editor.
EndWindowsClose a window group started with EditorWindow.BeginWindows.
FocusMoves keyboard focus to another EditorWindow.
GetExtraPaneTypesGets the extra panes associated with the window.
RemoveNotificationStop showing notification message.
RepaintMake the window repaint.
SaveChangesPerforms a save action on the contents of the window.
SendEventSends an Event to a window.
ShowShow the EditorWindow window.
ShowAsDropDownShows a window with dropdown behaviour and styling.
ShowAuxWindowShow the editor window in the auxiliary window.
ShowModalShow modal editor window.
ShowModalUtilityShow the EditorWindow as a floating modal window.
ShowNotificationShow a notification message.
ShowPopupShows an Editor window using popup-style framing.
ShowUtilityShow the EditorWindow as a floating utility window.

Funciones Estáticas

CreateWindowCreates an EditorWindow of type T.
FocusWindowIfItsOpenFocuses the first found EditorWindow of specified type if it is open.
GetWindowReturns the first EditorWindow of type t which is currently on the screen.
GetWindowWithRectReturns the first EditorWindow of type t which is currently on the screen.
HasOpenInstancesChecks if an editor window is open.


AwakeCalled as the new window is opened.
hasUnsavedChangesWhen set to true in a derived class, the editor will prompt the user to save unsaved changes if the window is about to be closed.
OnDestroyOnDestroy is called to close the EditorWindow window.
OnFocusCalled when the window gets keyboard focus.
OnGUIImplement your own editor GUI here.
OnHierarchyChangeHandler for message that is sent when an object or group of objects in the hierarchy changes.
OnInspectorUpdateOnInspectorUpdate is called at 10 frames per second to give the inspector a chance to update.
OnLostFocusCalled when the window loses keyboard focus.
OnProjectChangeHandler for message that is sent whenever the state of the project changes.
OnSelectionChangeCalled whenever the selection has changed.
saveChangesMessageThe message that displays to the user if they are prompted to save
UpdateCalled multiple times per second on all visible windows.
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