Version: 2021.2
언어: 한국어


struct in UnityEditor

매뉴얼로 전환


Represents a read-only collection of Type and implements an IList interface.

Note: All IList methods which might alter the collection always throw NotSupportedException.


CountThe number of elements in TypeCollection.
IsFixedSizeWhether the TypeCollection is of a fixed size. This property is always set to true.
IsReadOnlyWhether the TypeCollection is read-only. This property is always set to true.
IsSynchronizedWhether the TypeCollection is synchronized. This property is always set to true.
this[int]Gets the element at the specified index.

Public 함수

ContainsDetermines whether an element is in the TypeCollection.
CopyToCopies the collection to an array.
GetEnumeratorGets an enumerator that iterates through the TypeCollection.
IndexOfGets the first occurrence of an item in the TypeCollection.
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