Version: 2021.3
언어: 한국어
Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


class in UnityEditor.Experimental.GraphView

매뉴얼로 전환


VisualElement that draws the edge lines and detects if mouse is on top of edge.

정적 변수

k_MinEdgeWidthMin edge width.


capRadiusRadius of the edge's end caps.
controlPointsEdge's control points.
drawFromCapWhether or not to draw the From Cap.
drawToCapWhether or not to draw the To Cap.
edgeWidthEdge's visible width.
fromEdge's From postion.
fromCapColorThe color of the cap color at the "from" end of the edge.
inputColorColor on the edge's input.
inputOrientationEdge input port orientation (vertical/horizontal).
interceptWidthWidth that will be used for mouse hit detection.
outputColorColor on the edge's output.
outputOrientationEdge output port orientation (vertical/horizontal).
toEdge's To postion.
toCapColorThe color of the cap color at the "to" end of the edge.


EdgeControlEdgeControl's constructor.

Public 함수

ContainsPointCheck if point is on top of edge.
OverlapsCheck if edge overlaps rectangle.
UpdateLayoutUpdate the edge layout.

보호되는 함수

ComputeControlPointsCompute the edge's control points.
PointsChangedCheck if the edge points have changed.
UpdateRenderPointsUpdate the edge's render points.

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