Version: 2022.3
언어: 한국어


class in UnityEditor.Compilation

매뉴얼로 전환


Compiler options passed to the script compiler.


AdditionalCompilerArgumentsAdditional compiler arguments.
AllowUnsafeCodeAllow 'unsafe' code when compiling scripts.
AnalyzerConfigPathStores the path to the Roslyn global config file.
ApiCompatibilityLevel ApiCompatibilityLevel for a given Assembly.
CodeOptimizationIndicates whether performance optimization is enabled for the assembly
LanguageVersionString representation of the language version being used to compile the current Assembly.
ResponseFilesArray of path to the response files that affects the current compilation.
RoslynAdditionalFilePathsStores the paths to the Roslyn Analyzer additional files.
RoslynAnalyzerDllPathsStores the paths to the .dll files.
RoslynAnalyzerRulesetPathStores the path to the Roslyn ruleset file.


ScriptCompilerOptionsCreates ScriptCompilerOptions with default values used for script compilation.
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