Legacy Documentation: Version 5.2
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public static var targetFrameRate: int;
public static int targetFrameRate;


Instructs game to try to render at a specified frame rate.

Setting targetFrameRate to -1 (the default) makes standalone games render as fast as they can, and web player games to render at 50-60 frames/second depending on the platform.

Note that setting targetFrameRate does not guarantee that frame rate. There can be fluctuations due to platform specifics, or the game might not achieve the frame rate because the computer is too slow.

If vsync is set in quality setting, the target framerate is ignored, and the vblank interval is used instead. The vBlankCount property on qualitysettings can be used to limit the framerate to half of the screens refresh rate (60 fps screen can be limited to 30 fps by setting vBlankCount to 2)

targetFrameRate is ignored in the editor.

	function Awake () {
		// Make the game run as fast as possible in the web player
		Application.targetFrameRate = 300;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { void Awake() { Application.targetFrameRate = 300; } }
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