Version: 2019.4
Windows Player: IL2CPP Scripting Backend
Windows Player: C++ source code plugins for IL2CPP

Windows Player: IL2CPP build files

A Project using the IL2CPP scripting backend will typically (can differ due to build settings) produce these files:

IL2CPP files produced during build
IL2CPP files produced during build

The following files are common to Projects using either Mono or IL2CPP:

File: Description:
a_Data Folder with game data.
a.exe Main game executable.
UnityCrashHandler64.exe Crash handler executable.
UnityPlayer.dll Unity Player library containing all native code.
WinPixEventRuntime.dll PIX for Windows runtime. This file will only be present in development builds.

The following files are common to Projects using either Mono or IL2CPP:

File: Description:
a_BackUpThisFolder_ButDontShipItWithYourGame Folder containing data required to debug your game, including PDB (debug info) files and C++ code generated from your scripts. You should back up this folder for every build you ship, but don’t redistribute it.
GameAssembly.dll Library that contains the IL2CPP runtime and all your script code.
SymbolMap File containing a list of all managed function addresses and their lengths. IL2CPP needs this to resolve managed stack traces. If you delete it, your game will still run but exceptions will not produce sensible call stacks

  • • 2018–03–13 Page published

  • New feature in 2018.1 NewIn20181

Windows Player: IL2CPP Scripting Backend
Windows Player: C++ source code plugins for IL2CPP
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