
struct in UnityEngine.XR


Implemented in:UnityEngine.XRModule


Engine reserved blit modes. Blit mode capabilities should be queried from XRDisplaySubsystemDescriptor.GetAvailableMirrorBlitModeCount and XRDisplaySubsystemDescriptor.GetMirrorBlitModeByIndex.

Static Properties

DefaultMirror view pass should blit platform default image to the mirror target.
DistortMirror view pass should blit after distortion pass image to the mirror target.
LeftEyeMirror view pass should blit left eye image to the mirror target.
NoneMirror view pass should not be performed.
RightEyeMirror view pass should blit right eye image to the mirror target.
SideBySideMirror view pass should blit left eye image and right eye image in a side-by-side fashion to the mirror target.
SideBySideOcclusionMeshMirror view pass should blit similar to side-by-side mode, but also showing not rendered pixels saved by the occlusion mesh.

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