
class in UnityEngine.Networking


Inherits from:Networking.DownloadHandler

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A DownloadHandler subclass specialized for downloading audio data for use as AudioClip objects.

DownloadHandlerAudioClip stores received data in a pre-allocated Unity AudioClip object. It is optimized for downloading audio data from Web servers, and may perform audio data decompression and decoding on a worker thread.

For use cases where you wish to download an audio clip via HTTP and use it as an AudioClip within Unity, usage of this class is strongly recommended.


audioClipReturns the downloaded AudioClip, or null. (Read Only)


DownloadHandlerAudioClipConstructor, specifies what kind of audio data is going to be downloaded.

Protected Functions

GetDataCalled by Returns a copy of the downloaded clip data as raw bytes.

Static Functions

GetContentReturns the downloaded AudioClip, or null.

Inherited members


dataReturns the raw bytes downloaded from the remote server, or null. (Read Only)
isDoneReturns true if this DownloadHandler has been informed by its parent UnityWebRequest that all data has been received, and this DownloadHandler has completed any necessary post-download processing. (Read Only)
textConvenience property. Returns the bytes from data interpreted as a UTF8 string. (Read Only)

Public Functions

DisposeSignals that this [DownloadHandler] is no longer being used, and should clean up any resources it is using.

Protected Functions

CompleteContentCallback, invoked when all data has been received from the remote server.
GetProgressCallback, invoked when UnityWebRequest.downloadProgress is accessed.
GetTextCallback, invoked when the text property is accessed.
ReceiveContentLengthCallback, invoked with a Content-Length header is received.
ReceiveDataCallback, invoked as data is received from the remote server.
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