Version: 2022.2
Unity Asset Store
在 Asset Store 中购买或下载资源包

Asset Store 资源包

Asset Store packages are collections of files and data from Unity projects, or elements of projects, which Unity compresses and stores in one file with the .unitypackage extension. Like a zip file, an Asset Store package maintains its original directory structure when it’s unpacked, as well as metadata about assets (such as import settings and links to other assets).

要从 Unity 或第三方发布者处购买 Asset Store 资源包,请先搜索 Unity Asset Store 以查找满足您需求的资源。找到要使用的 Asset Store 资源包后,请在 Asset Store 中购买或下载该资源包。还可以使用标签来整理资源并隐藏已弃用或未使用的 Asset Store 资源包,使查找 Asset Store 资源包变得更容易。

在 Unity Package Manager 中,选择 My Assets 筛选条件以查看您可用 Asset Store 资源包的列表。可按名称搜索 Asset Store 资源包。找到要使用的 Asset Store 资源包后,可将资源包下载并导入到 Package Manager 中。如果 Asset Store 资源包具有可用的较新版本,也可以直接在 Package Manager 窗口中对其进行更新

Unity 用户可以成为 Asset Store 上的发布者,并出售自己创建的内容。按照发布到 Asset Store 中的说明进行操作,创建资源包草案并从 Unity 上传您的资源,将其发布到 Unity Asset Store


You can use the Package Manager window to manage your Asset Store packages within your project. However, if you need to access your asset files directly, you can find them in the Asset Store package cache. This cache, which is separate from the global cache, makes reusing and sharing packages more efficient. You can find the Asset Store package cache in the following paths (which might be within hidden folders depending on your computer settings):

  • macOS: ~/Library/Unity/Asset Store-5.x
  • Windows: C:\Users\accountName\AppData\Roaming\Unity\Asset Store-5.x
  • Linux: ~/.local/share/unity3d/Asset Store-5.x

These folders contain subfolders that correspond to particular Asset Store vendors and are available after download and import. The Package Manager stores asset files inside the subfolders using a structure defined by the Asset Store package publisher.

You can override the default location of the Asset Store package cache root. For information, see Customize the Asset Store cache location.

Unity Asset Store
在 Asset Store 中购买或下载资源包
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