Version: 2022.2
Physics 2D
Splash Image Player settings


The Player settings window (menu: Edit > Project Settings > Player) contain settings that determine how Unity builds and displays your final application. You can use the PlayerSettings API to control most of the settings available in this window.


The Player settings differ between the platform modules that you’ve installed. Each platform has its own Player settings which you’ll need to set for each version of your application you want to build. To navigate between them, click on the tabs with the platform operating system icon on.

Player settings window
Player settings window

However, there are some general settings that all platforms share, that you only need to set once:

属性 功能
Company Name Enter the name of your company. Unity uses this to locate the preferences file.
Product Name Enter the name that appears on the menu bar when your application is running. Unity also uses this to locate the preferences file.
Version 输入应用程序的版本号。
Default Icon Pick the Texture 2D file that you want to use as a default icon for the application on every platform. You can override this for specific platforms.
Default Cursor Pick the Texture 2D file that you want to use as a default cursor for the application on every supported platform.
Cursor Hotspot Set the pixel offset value from the top left of the default cursor to the location of the cursor hotspot. The cursor hotspot is the point in the cursor image that Unity uses to trigger events based on cursor position.


The platform-specific settings are divided into the following sections:

  • Icon:桌面上显示的游戏图标。可从项目中的 2D 图像资源(例如精灵或导入的图像)选择图标。
  • Resolution and Presentation:屏幕分辨率和其他演示详细信息(例如游戏是否应默认为全屏模式)的设置。
  • Splash Image: the image shown while the game is launching. This section also includes common settings for creating a Splash Screen. For more information, see the Splash Image documentation.
  • Other Settings:平台特有的任何其他设置。
  • Publishing Settings:有关如何准备将构建的应用程序从应用商店或托管网页上进行发布的详细信息。
  • XR Settings:特定于虚拟现实、增强现实和混合现实应用的设置。

You can find information about the settings specific to individual platforms in the platform’s own manual section:

You can find details of closed platform Player settings in their respective documentation.


Physics 2D
Splash Image Player settings
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