Version: 2019.3
Method group is Obsolete



Use this class to set SceneView Camera properties.

// Create a folder (right click in the Assets directory, click Create>Folder)
// and name it Editor if one doesn't exist already. Create a new C# script called CustomSettings
// and place it in that folder.

// This script creates a new menu item Edit>SceneView Settings>Update Camera Settings in the main menu. // Use it to update the Camera settings in the Scene view.

using UnityEditor;

public class CustomSettings { [MenuItem("Edit/SceneView Settings/Update Camera Settings")] static void UpdateCameraSettings() { SceneView.CameraSettings settings = new SceneView.CameraSettings(); settings.accelerationEnabled = false; settings.speedMin = 1f; settings.speedMax = 10f; settings.speed = 5f; settings.easingEnabled = true; settings.easingDuration = 0.6f; settings.dynamicClip = false; settings.fieldOfView = 120f; settings.nearClip = 0.01f; settings.farClip = 1000f; settings.occlusionCulling = true; SceneView sceneView = SceneView.lastActiveSceneView; sceneView.cameraSettings = settings; } }
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