Version: 2017.1


class in UnityEngine.Networking

매뉴얼로 전환


FilterLog is a utility class that controls the level of logging generated by UNET clients and servers.

정적 변수

currentLogLevelThe current logging level that UNET is running with.
DebugSetting LogFilter.currentLogLevel to this will enable verbose debug logging.
ErrorSetting LogFilter.currentLogLevel to this will error and above messages.
InfoSetting LogFilter.currentLogLevel to this will log only info and above messages. This is the default level.
logDebugChecks if debug logging is enabled.
logErrorChecks if error logging is enabled.
logInfoChecks if info level logging is enabled.
logWarnChecks if wanring level logging is enabled.
WarnSetting LogFilter.currentLogLevel to this will log wanring and above messages.
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