Version: 2022.1
언어: 한국어


struct in UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls

매뉴얼로 전환


Method arguments for the virtual method RowGUI.


focusedThis value is true only when the TreeView has keyboard focus and the TreeView's window has focus.
isRenamingThis value is true when the ::item is currently being renamed.
itemItem for the current row being handled in TreeView.RowGUI.
labelLabel used for text rendering of the item displayName. Note this is an empty string when isRenaming == true.
rowRow index into the list of current rows.
rowRectRow rect for the current row being handled.
selectedThis value is true when the current row's item is part of the current selection.

Public 함수

GetCellRectIf using a MultiColumnHeader for the TreeView this method can be used to get the cell rects of a row using the visible columns of the MultiColumnHeader.
GetColumnIf using a MultiColumnHeader for the TreeView this method can be used to convert an index from the visible columns list to a index into the actual columns in the MultiColumnHeaderState.
GetNumVisibleColumnsIf using a MultiColumnHeader for the TreeView use this method to get the number of visible columns currently being shown in the MultiColumnHeader.
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