Version: 2022.1
언어: 한국어


struct in UnityEngine

매뉴얼로 전환


Script interface for the SubEmittersModule.

The sub-emitters module allows you to spawn particles in child emitters from the positions of particles in the parent system.

This module triggers child particle emission on events such as the birth, death, and collision of particles in the parent system.

See Also: ParticleSystem, ParticleSystem.subEmitters.


enabledSpecifies whether the SubEmittersModule is enabled or disabled.
subEmittersCountThe total number of sub-emitters.

Public 함수

AddSubEmitterAdd a new sub-emitter.
GetSubEmitterEmitProbabilityGets the probability that the sub-emitter emits particles.
GetSubEmitterPropertiesGets the properties of the sub-emitter at the given index.
GetSubEmitterSystemGets the sub-emitter Particle System at the given index.
GetSubEmitterTypeGets the type of the sub-emitter at the given index.
RemoveSubEmitterRemoves a sub-emitter from the given index in the array.
SetSubEmitterEmitProbabilitySets the probability that the sub-emitter emits particles.
SetSubEmitterPropertiesSets the properties of the sub-emitter at the given index.
SetSubEmitterSystemSets the Particle System to use as the sub-emitter at the given index.
SetSubEmitterTypeSets the type of the sub-emitter at the given index.
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