
struct in UnityEngine

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Script interface for the SubEmittersModule of a Particle System.


enabledSpecifies whether the SubEmittersModule is enabled or disabled.
subEmittersCountThe total number of sub-emitters.

Public Functions

AddSubEmitterAdd a new sub-emitter.
GetSubEmitterEmitProbabilityGets the probability that the sub-emitter emits particles.
GetSubEmitterPropertiesGets the properties of the sub-emitter at the given index.
GetSubEmitterSystemGets the sub-emitter Particle System at the given index.
GetSubEmitterTypeGets the type of the sub-emitter at the given index.
RemoveSubEmitterRemoves a sub-emitter from the given index in the array.
SetSubEmitterEmitProbabilitySets the probability that the sub-emitter emits particles.
SetSubEmitterPropertiesSets the properties of the sub-emitter at the given index.
SetSubEmitterSystemSets the Particle System to use as the sub-emitter at the given index.
SetSubEmitterTypeSets the type of the sub-emitter at the given index.
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