
class in UnityEngine.UIElements

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A drop-down menu.



Public Functions

AppendActionAdd an item that will execute an action in the drop-down menu. The item is added at the end of the current item list.
AppendSeparatorAdd a separator line in the menu. The separator is added at the end of the current item list.
InsertActionAdd an item that will execute an action in the drop-down menu. The item is added at the end of the specified index in the list.
InsertSeparatorAdd a separator line in the menu. The separator is added at the end of the specified index in the list.
MenuItemsGet the list of menu items.
PrepareForDisplayUpdate the status of all items by calling their status callback and remove the separators in excess. This is called just before displaying the menu.
RemoveItemAtRemove the menu item at index.
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