Version: 2018.3 (switch to 2019.1)
  • C#



The Core module implements basic classes required for Unity to function.

This module cannot be disabled.


AddComponentMenuThe AddComponentMenu attribute allows you to place a script anywhere in the "Component" menu, instead of just the "Component->Scripts" menu.
AlwaysLinkAssemblyAttributeEnsure an assembly is always processed during managed code stripping.
AndroidInputAndroidInput provides support for off-screen touch input, such as a touchpad.
AndroidJavaClassAndroidJavaClass is the Unity representation of a generic instance of java.lang.Class.
AndroidJavaObjectAndroidJavaObject is the Unity representation of a generic instance of java.lang.Object.
AndroidJavaProxyThis class can be used to implement any java interface. Any java vm method invocation matching the interface on the proxy object will automatically be passed to the c# implementation.
AndroidJNI'Raw' JNI interface to Android Dalvik (Java) VM from Mono (CS/JS).Note: Using raw JNI functions requires advanced knowledge of the Android Java Native Interface (JNI). Please take note.
AndroidJNIHelperHelper interface for JNI interaction; signature creation and method lookups.Note: Using raw JNI functions requires advanced knowledge of the Android Java Native Interface (JNI). Please take note.
AnimationCurveStore a collection of Keyframes that can be evaluated over time.
ApplicationAccess to application run-time data.
ApplicationProvides essential methods related to Window Store application.
AssemblyIsEditorAssemblyAssembly level attribute. Any classes in an assembly with this attribute will be considered to be Editor Classes.
AssertThe Assert class contains assertion methods for setting invariants in the code.
AssertionExceptionAn exception that is thrown on a failure. Assert.raiseExceptions needs to be set to true.
AsyncGPUReadbackAllows the asynchronous read back of GPU resources.
AsyncOperationAsynchronous operation coroutine.
AsyncReadManagerWith the AsyncReadManager, you can perform asynchronous I/O operations through Unity's virtual file system. You can perform these operations on any thread or job.
BeforeRenderOrderAttributeUse this BeforeRenderOrderAttribute when you need to specify a custom callback order for Application.onBeforeRender.
BehaviourBehaviours are Components that can be enabled or disabled.
BillboardAssetBillboardAsset describes how a billboard is rendered.
BillboardRendererRenders a billboard from a BillboardAsset.
BurstDiscardAttributeThe BurstDiscard attribute lets you remove a method or property from being compiled to native code by the burst compiler.
CachingThe Caching class lets you manage cached AssetBundles, downloaded using UnityWebRequestAssetBundle.GetAssetBundle().
CameraA Camera is a device through which the player views the world.
ColorUsageAttributeAttribute used to configure the usage of the ColorField and Color Picker for a color.
ColorUtilityA collection of common color functions.
CommandBufferList of graphics commands to execute.
CompassInterface into compass functionality.
ComponentBase class for everything attached to GameObjects.
ComputeBufferGPU data buffer, mostly for use with compute shaders.
ComputeShaderCompute Shader asset.
ContextMenuThe ContextMenu attribute allows you to add commands to the context menu.
ContextMenuItemAttributeUse this attribute to add a context menu to a field that calls a named method.
Coroutine MonoBehaviour.StartCoroutine returns a Coroutine. Instances of this class are only used to reference these coroutines, and do not hold any exposed properties or functions.
CrashReportHolds data for a single application crash event and provides access to all gathered crash reports.
CrashReportingExposes useful information related to crash reporting on Windows platforms.
CreateAssetMenuAttributeMark a ScriptableObject-derived type to be automatically listed in the Assets/Create submenu, so that instances of the type can be easily created and stored in the project as ".asset" files.
CryptoClass representing cryptography algorithms.
CubemapClass for handling cube maps, Use this to create or modify existing cube map assets.
CubemapArrayClass for handling Cubemap arrays.
CullingGroupDescribes a set of bounding spheres that should have their visibility and distances maintained.
CursorCursor API for setting the cursor (mouse pointer).
CursorCursor API for Windows Store Apps.
CustomRenderTextureCustom Render Textures are an extension to Render Textures, enabling you to render directly to the Texture using a Shader.
CustomSamplerCustom CPU Profiler label used for profiling arbitrary code blocks.
CustomYieldInstructionBase class for custom yield instructions to suspend coroutines.
DataUtilityHelper utilities for accessing Sprite data.
DebugClass containing methods to ease debugging while developing a game.
DelayedAttributeAttribute used to make a float, int, or string variable in a script be delayed.
DeviceInterface into iOS specific functionality.
DeviceInterface into tvOS specific functionality.
DictationRecognizerDictationRecognizer listens to speech input and attempts to determine what phrase was uttered.
DirectoryExposes static methods for directory operations.
DisallowMultipleComponentPrevents MonoBehaviour of same type (or subtype) to be added more than once to a GameObject.
DisplayProvides access to a display / screen for rendering operations.
DisposeSentinelDisposeSentinel is used to automatically detect memory leaks.
DynamicGIAllows to control the dynamic Global Illumination.
ExcludeFromObjectFactoryAttributeAdd this attribute to a class to prevent the class and its inherited classes from being created with ObjectFactory methods.
ExcludeFromPresetAttributeAdd this attribute to a class to prevent creating a Preset from the instances of the class.
ExecuteAlwaysMakes instances of a script always execute, both as part of Play Mode and when editing.
ExecuteInEditModeMakes all instances of a script execute in Edit Mode.
FileProvides static methods for file operations.
FlareA flare asset. Read more about flares in the components reference.
FlareLayerFlareLayer component.
FloatComparerA float comparer used by Assert performing approximate comparison.
FormerlySerializedAsAttributeUse this attribute to rename a field without losing its serialized value.
FrameTimingManagerThe FrameTimingManager allows the user to capture and access FrameTiming data for multple frames.
GameObjectBase class for all entities in Unity Scenes.
GarbageCollectorExperimental API to control the garbage collector on the Mono and IL2CPP scripting backends.
GeometryUtilityUtility class for common geometric functions.
GizmosGizmos are used to give visual debugging or setup aids in the Scene view.
GLLow-level graphics library.
GradientGradient used for animating colors.
GradientUsageAttributeAttribute used to configure the usage of the GradientField and Gradient Editor for a gradient.
GrammarRecognizerThe GrammarRecognizer is a complement to the KeywordRecognizer. In many cases developers will find the KeywordRecognizer fills all their development needs. However, in some cases, more complex grammars will be better expressed in the form of an xml file on disk. The GrammarRecognizer uses Extensible Markup Language (XML) elements and attributes, as specified in the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Speech Recognition Grammar Specification (SRGS) Version 1.0. These XML elements and attributes represent the rule structures that define the words or phrases (commands) recognized by speech recognition engines.
GraphicsRaw interface to Unity's drawing functions.
GraphicsSettingsScript interface for Graphics Settings.
GUIElementBase class for images & text strings displayed in a GUI.
GyroscopeInterface into the Gyroscope.
HandheldInterface into functionality unique to handheld devices.
HashUnsafeUtilitiesUtilities to compute hashes with unsafe code.
HashUtilitiesUtilities to compute hashes.
HeaderAttributeUse this PropertyAttribute to add a header above some fields in the Inspector.
HelpURLAttributeProvide a custom documentation URL for a class.
HideInInspectorMakes a variable not show up in the inspector but be serialized.
IJobExtensionsExtension methods for Jobs using the IJob interface.
IJobParallelForExtensionsExtension methods for Jobs using the IJobParallelFor.
IJobParallelForTransformExtensionsExtension methods for IJobParallelForTransform.
ImageEffectAfterScaleAny Image Effect with this attribute will be rendered after Dynamic Resolution stage.
ImageEffectAllowedInSceneViewAny Image Effect with this attribute can be rendered into the Scene view camera.
ImageEffectOpaqueAny Image Effect with this attribute will be rendered after opaque geometry but before transparent geometry.
ImageEffectTransformsToLDRWhen using HDR rendering it can sometime be desirable to switch to LDR rendering during ImageEffect rendering.
InputInterface into the Input system.
JobHandleUnsafeUtilityJobHandle Unsafe Utilities.
JobProducerTypeAttributeAll job interface types must be marked with the JobProducerType. This is used to compile the Execute method by the Burst ASM inspector.
JobsUtilityStatic class containing functionality to create, run and debug jobs.
KeywordRecognizerKeywordRecognizer listens to speech input and attempts to match uttered phrases to a list of registered keywords.
LauncherClass which is capable of launching user's default app for file type or a protocol. See also PlayerSettings where you can specify file or URI associations.
LensFlareScript interface for a Lens flare component.
LicenseInformationThis class provides information regarding application's trial status and allows initiating application purchase.
LightScript interface for light components.
LightmapDataData of a lightmap.
LightmapperUtilsUtility class for converting Unity Lights to light types recognized by the baking backends.
LightmappingInterface to the light baking backends.
LightmapSettingsStores lightmaps of the Scene.
LightProbeGroupLight Probe Group.
LightProbeProxyVolumeThe Light Probe Proxy Volume component offers the possibility to use higher resolution lighting for large non-static GameObjects.
LightProbesStores light probes for the Scene.
LineRendererThe line renderer is used to draw free-floating lines in 3D space.
LineUtilityA collection of common line functions.
LocalNotificationiOS.LocalNotification is a wrapper around the UILocalNotification class found in the Apple UIKit framework and is only available on iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch.
LocationServiceInterface into location functionality.
LODGroupLODGroup lets you group multiple Renderers into LOD levels.
LoggerInitializes a new instance of the Logger.
MaterialThe material class.
MaterialPropertyBlockA block of material values to apply.
MemoryProfilerMemory profiling API container class.
MeshA class that allows creating or modifying meshes from scripts.
MeshFilterA class to access the Mesh of the mesh filter.
MeshRendererRenders meshes inserted by the MeshFilter or TextMesh.
MessageEventArgsArguments passed to Action callbacks registered in PlayerConnection.
MetaDataContainer for memory snapshot meta data.
MinAttributeAttribute used to make a float or int variable in a script be restricted to a specific minimum value.
MonoBehaviourMonoBehaviour is the base class from which every Unity script derives.
MultilineAttributeAttribute to make a string be edited with a multi-line textfield.
NativeArrayUnsafeUtilityNativeArray Unsafe Utility.
NativeContainerAttributeAllows you to create your own custom native container.
NativeDisableContainerSafetyRestrictionAttributeBy default native containers are tracked by the safety system to avoid race conditions. The safety system encapsulates the best practices and catches many race condition bugs from the start.
NativeDisableUnsafePtrRestrictionAttributeBy default unsafe Pointers are not allowed to be used in a job since it is not possible for the Job Debugger to gurantee race condition free behaviour. This attribute lets you explicitly disable the restriction on a job.
NativeFixedLengthAttributeThe container has from start a size that will never change.
NativeLeakDetectionStatic class for native leak detection settings.
NativeSetClassTypeToNullOnScheduleAttributeWhen this attribute is applied to a field in a job struct, the managed reference to the class will be set to null on the copy of the job struct that is passed to the job.
NativeSetThreadIndexAttributeThis attribute can inject a worker thread index into an int on the job struct. This is usually used in the implementation of atomic containers. The index is guaranteed to be unique to any other job that might be running in parallel.
NativeSliceUnsafeUtilityNativeSlice unsafe utility class.
NotificationDefault implementation for Playable notifications.
NotificationServicesNotificationServices is only available on iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch.
ObjectBase class for all objects Unity can reference.
OcclusionAreaOcclusionArea is an area in which occlusion culling is performed.
OcclusionPortalThe portal for dynamically changing occlusion at runtime.
OnDemandResourcesOn Demand Resources API.
OnDemandResourcesRequestRepresents a request for On Demand Resources (ODR). It's an AsyncOperation and can be yielded in a coroutine.
PhraseRecognitionSystemPhrase recognition system is responsible for managing phrase recognizers and dispatching recognition events to them.
PhraseRecognizerA common base class for both keyword recognizer and grammar recognizer.
PingPing any given IP address (given in dot notation).
PixelPerfectRenderingA collection of APIs that facilitate pixel perfect rendering of sprite-based renderers.
PlayableAssetA base class for assets that can be used to instantiate a Playable at runtime.
PlayableBehaviourPlayableBehaviour is the base class from which every custom playable script derives.
PlayableExtensionsExtensions for all the types that implements IPlayable.
PlayableOutputExtensionsExtensions for all the types that implements IPlayableOutput.
PlayerConnectionUsed for handling the network connection from the Player to the Editor.
PlayerLoopThe class representing the player loop in Unity.
PlayerPrefsStores and accesses player preferences between game sessions.
PlayerPrefsExceptionAn exception thrown by the PlayerPrefs class in a web player build.
PreferBinarySerializationPrefer ScriptableObject derived type to use binary serialization regardless of project's asset serialization mode.
PreserveAttributePreserveAttribute prevents byte code stripping from removing a class, method, field, or property.
ProfilerControls the Profiler from script.
ProjectorA script interface for a projector component.
PropertyAttributeBase class to derive custom property attributes from. Use this to create custom attributes for script variables.
QualitySettingsScript interface for Quality Settings.
RandomClass for generating random data.
RangeAttributeAttribute used to make a float or int variable in a script be restricted to a specific range.
ReadOnlyAttributeThe ReadOnly attribute lets you mark a member of a struct used in a job as read-only.
RecorderRecords profiling data produced by a specific Sampler.
RectOffsetOffsets for rectangles, borders, etc.
RectTransformPosition, size, anchor and pivot information for a rectangle.
ReflectionProbeThe reflection probe is used to capture the surroundings into a texture which is passed to the shaders and used for reflections.
RemoteA class for Apple TV remote input configuration.
RemoteNotificationRemoteNotification is only available on iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch.
RendererGeneral functionality for all renderers.
RendererExtensionsExtension methods to the Renderer class, used only for the UpdateGIMaterials method used by the Global Illumination System.
RenderPassObject encapsulating the duration of a single renderpass that contains one or more subpasses.The RenderPass object provides a new way to switch rendertargets in the context of a Scriptable Rendering Pipeline. As opposed to the SetRenderTargets function, the RenderPass object specifies a clear beginning and an end for the rendering, alongside explicit load/store actions on the rendering surfaces.The RenderPass object also allows running multiple subpasses within the same renderpass, where the pixel shaders have a read access to the current pixel value within the renderpass. This allows for efficient implementation of various rendering methods on tile-based GPUs, such as deferred rendering.RenderPasses are natively implemented on Metal (iOS) and Vulkan, but the API is fully functional on all rendering backends via emulation (using legacy SetRenderTargets calls and reading the current pixel values via texel fetches).A quick example on how to use the RenderPass API within the Scriptable Render Pipeline to implement deferred rendering:The RenderPass mechanism has the following limitations: - All attachments must have the same resolution and MSAA sample count - The rendering results of previous subpasses are only available within the same screen-space pixel coordinate via the UNITY_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_INPUT(x) macro in the shader; the attachments cannot be bound as textures or otherwise accessed until the renderpass has ended - iOS Metal does not allow reading from the Z-Buffer, so an additional render target is needed to work around that - The maximum amount of attachments allowed per RenderPass is currently 8 + depth, but note that various GPUs may have stricter limits.
RenderPassAttachmentA declaration of a single color or depth rendering surface to be attached into a RenderPass.
RenderPipelineDefines a series of commands and settings that describes how Unity renders a frame.
RenderPipelineAssetAn asset that produces a specific IRenderPipeline.
RenderPipelineManagerRender Pipeline manager.
RenderSettingsThe Render Settings contain values for a range of visual elements in your Scene, like fog and ambient light.
RenderSettingsExperimental render settings features.
RenderTextureRender textures are textures that can be rendered to.
ReplayKitReplayKit is only available on certain iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices running iOS 9.0 or later.
RequireComponentThe RequireComponent attribute automatically adds required components as dependencies.
ResourceRequestAsynchronous load request from the Resources bundle.
ResourcesThe Resources class allows you to find and access Objects including assets.
RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributeAllow a runtime class method to be initialized when a game is loaded at runtime without action from the user.
SamplerProvides control over a CPU Profiler label.
ScalableBufferManagerScales render textures to support dynamic resolution if the target platform/graphics API supports it.
SceneManagerScene management at run-time.
SceneUtilityScene and Build Settings related utilities.
ScreenAccess to display information.
ScriptableObjectA class you can derive from if you want to create objects that don't need to be attached to game objects.
ScriptableRuntimeReflectionSystemEmpty implementation of IScriptableRuntimeReflectionSystem.
ScriptableRuntimeReflectionSystemSettingsGlobal settings for the scriptable runtime reflection system.
ScriptPlayableBindingA PlayableBinding that contains information representing a ScriptingPlayableOutput.
SecurityWebplayer security related class. Not supported from 5.4.0 onwards.
SelectionBaseAttributeAdd this attribute to a script class to mark its GameObject as a selection base object for Scene View picking.
SerializeFieldForce Unity to serialize a private field.
ShaderShader scripts used for all rendering.
ShaderKeywordIdentifier of a specific code path in a shader.
ShaderVariantCollectionShaderVariantCollection records which shader variants are actually used in each shader.
SkinnedMeshRendererThe Skinned Mesh filter.
SkyboxA script interface for the skybox component.
SleepTimeoutConstants for special values of Screen.sleepTimeout.
SortingGroupAdding a SortingGroup component to a GameObject will ensure that all Renderers within the GameObject's descendants will be sorted and rendered together.
SpaceAttributeUse this PropertyAttribute to add some spacing in the Inspector.
SparseTextureClass for handling Sparse Textures.
SplashScreenProvides an interface to the Unity splash screen.
SpriteRepresents a Sprite object for use in 2D gameplay.
SpriteAtlasSprite Atlas is an asset created within Unity. It is part of the built-in sprite packing solution.
SpriteAtlasManagerManages SpriteAtlas during runtime.
SpriteDataAccessExtensionsA list of methods designed for reading and writing to the rich internal data of a Sprite.
SpriteRendererRenders a Sprite for 2D graphics.
SpriteRendererDataAccessExtensionsA list of methods that allow the caller to override what the SpriteRenderer renders.
StaticBatchingUtilityStaticBatchingUtility can prepare your objects to take advantage of Unity's static batching.
SupportedRenderingFeaturesDescribes the rendering features supported by a given render pipeline.
SystemInfoAccess system and hardware information.
TextAreaAttributeAttribute to make a string be edited with a height-flexible and scrollable text area.
TextAssetText file assets.
TextureBase class for texture handling. Contains functionality that is common to both Texture2D and RenderTexture classes.
Texture2DClass for texture handling.
Texture2DArrayClass for handling 2D texture arrays.
Texture3DClass for handling 3D Textures, Use this to create 3D texture assets.
TexturePlayableBindingA PlayableBinding that contains information representing a TexturePlayableOutput.
TileRepresents tile on Windows start screen
TimeThe interface to get time information from Unity.
ToastRepresents a toast notification in Windows Store Apps.
TooltipAttributeSpecify a tooltip for a field in the Inspector window.
TouchScreenKeyboardInterface into the native iPhone, Android, Windows Phone and Windows Store Apps on-screen keyboards - it is not available on other platforms.
TrailRendererThe trail renderer is used to make trails behind objects in the Scene as they move about.
TransformPosition, rotation and scale of an object.
UnityAPICompatibilityVersionAttributeDeclares an assembly to be compatible (API wise) with a specific Unity API. Used by internal tools to avoid processing the assembly in order to decide whether assemblies may be using old Unity API.
UnityEventA zero argument persistent callback that can be saved with the Scene.
UnityEvent<T0,T1,T2,T3>Four argument version of UnityEvent.
UnityEvent<T0,T1,T2>Three argument version of UnityEvent.
UnityEvent<T0,T1>Two argument version of UnityEvent.
UnityEvent<T0>One argument version of UnityEvent.
UnityEventBaseAbstract base class for UnityEvents.
UnsafeUtilityUnsafe utility class.
UtilsA utility class that you can use for diagnostic purposes.
WaitForEndOfFrameWaits until the end of the frame after all cameras and GUI is rendered, just before displaying the frame on screen.
WaitForFixedUpdateWaits until next fixed frame rate update function. See Also: FixedUpdate.
WaitForSecondsSuspends the coroutine execution for the given amount of seconds using scaled time.
WaitForSecondsRealtimeSuspends the coroutine execution for the given amount of seconds using unscaled time.
WaitUntilSuspends the coroutine execution until the supplied delegate evaluates to true.
WaitWhileSuspends the coroutine execution until the supplied delegate evaluates to false.
WriteAccessRequiredAttributeUsed in conjunction with the ReadOnlyAttribute, WriteAccessRequiredAttribute lets you specify which struct method and property require write access to be invoked.
WriteOnlyAttributeThe WriteOnly attribute lets you mark a member of a struct used in a job as write-only.
YieldInstructionBase class for all yield instructions.


AccelerationEventStructure describing acceleration status of the device.
AsyncGPUReadbackRequestRepresents an asynchronous request for a GPU resource.
AtomicSafetyHandleAtomicSafetyHandle is used by the job system to provide validation and full safety.
BatchQueryJob<T0,T1>Struct used to implement batch query jobs.
BatchQueryJobStruct<T0>Struct used to schedule batch query jobs.
BlendStateValues for the blend state.
BoneWeightSkinning bone weights of a vertex in the mesh.
BoundingSphereDescribes a single bounding sphere for use by a CullingGroup.
BoundsRepresents an axis aligned bounding box.
BoundsIntRepresents an axis aligned bounding box with all values as integers.
CacheData structure for cache. Please refer to See Also:Caching.AddCache for more information.
CachedAssetBundleData structure for downloading AssetBundles to a customized cache path. See Also:UnityWebRequestAssetBundle.GetAssetBundle for more information.
CameraPlayableAn implementation of IPlayable that produces a Camera texture.
CameraPropertiesCamera related properties in CullingParameters.
ColorRepresentation of RGBA colors.
Color32Representation of RGBA colors in 32 bit format.
CombineInstanceStruct used to describe meshes to be combined using Mesh.CombineMeshes.
CoreCameraValuesCore Camera related properties in CullingParameters.
CreateSceneParametersThis struct collects all the CreateScene parameters in to a single place.
CullingGroupEventProvides information about the current and previous states of one sphere in a CullingGroup.
CullResultsCulling results (visible objects, lights, reflection probes).
CustomRenderTextureUpdateZoneStructure describing an Update Zone.
DepthStateValues for the depth state.
DirectionalLightA helper structure used to initialize a LightDataGI structure as a directional light.
DiscLightA helper structure used to initialize a LightDataGI structure as a disc light.
DrawRendererSettingsSettings for ScriptableRenderContext.DrawRenderers.
DrawRendererSortSettingsThis struct describes the methods to sort objects during rendering.
DrawShadowsSettingsSettings for ScriptableRenderContext.DrawShadows.
DrivenRectTransformTrackerA component can be designed to drive a RectTransform. The DrivenRectTransformTracker struct is used to specify which RectTransforms it is driving.
EarlyUpdateUpdate phase in the native player loop.
ExposedPropertyResolverObject that is used to resolve references to an ExposedReference field.
ExposedReference<T0>Creates a type whos value is resolvable at runtime.
FilterRenderersSettingsFilter settings for ScriptableRenderContext.DrawRenderers.
FilterResultsDescribes a subset of objects to be rendered.See Also: ScriptableRenderContext.DrawRenderers.
FixedUpdateUpdate phase in the native player loop.
FrameDataThis structure contains the frame information a Playable receives in Playable.PrepareFrame.
FrameTimingStruct containing basic FrameTimings and accompanying relevant data.
FrustumPlanesThis struct contains the view space coordinates of the near projection plane.
GPUFenceUsed to manage synchronisation between tasks on async compute queues and the graphics queue.
GradientAlphaKeyAlpha key used by Gradient.
GradientColorKeyColor key used by Gradient.
Hash128Represent the hash value.
InitializationUpdate phase in the native player loop.
JobRangesStruct containing information about a range the job is allowed to work on.
KeyframeA single keyframe that can be injected into an animation curve.
LayerMaskSpecifies Layers to use in a Physics.Raycast.
LightBakingOutputStruct describing the result of a Global Illumination bake for a given light.
LightDataGIThe interop structure to pass light information to the light baking backends. There are helper structures for Directional, Point, Spot and Rectangle lights to correctly initialize this structure.
LinearColorContains normalized linear color values for red, green, blue in the range of 0 to 1, and an additional intensity value.
LoadSceneParametersThis struct collects all the LoadScene parameters in to a single place.
LocationInfoStructure describing device location.
LODStructure for building a LOD for passing to the SetLODs function.
LODParameters LODGroup culling parameters.
MaterialEffectPlayableAn implementation of IPlayable that allows application of a Material shader to one or many texture inputs to produce a texture output.
MathfA collection of common math functions.
Matrix4x4A standard 4x4 transformation matrix.
NativeArray<T0>A NativeArray exposes a buffer of native memory to managed code, making it possible to share data between managed and native without marshalling costs.
NativeSlice<T0>Native Slice.
PermissionStructure describing a permission that requires user authorization.
PhraseRecognizedEventArgsProvides information about a phrase recognized event.
PlaneRepresentation of a plane in 3D space.
PlatformKeywordSetA collection of ShaderKeyword that represents a specific platform variant.
PlayablePlayables are customizable runtime objects that can be connected together and are contained in a PlayableGraph to create complex behaviours.
PlayableBindingStruct that holds information regarding an output of a PlayableAsset.
PlayableGraphUse the PlayableGraph to manage Playable creations and destructions.
PlayableOutputSee: IPlayableOutput.
PlayerLoopSystemThe representation of a single system being updated by the player loop in Unity.
PointLightA helper structure used to initialize a LightDataGI structure as a point light.
PoseRepresentation of a Position, and a Rotation in 3D Space
PostLateUpdateUpdate phase in the native player loop.
PreLateUpdateUpdate phase in the native player loop.
PreUpdateUpdate phase in the native player loop.
ProfilerMarkerPerformance marker used for profiling arbitrary code blocks.
PropertyNameRepresents a string as an int for efficient lookup and comparison. Use this for common PropertyNames.Internally stores just an int to represent the string. A PropertyName can be created from a string but can not be converted back to a string. The same string always results in the same int representing that string. Thus this is a very efficient string representation in both memory and speed when all you need is comparison.PropertyName is serializable.ToString() is only implemented for debugging purposes in the editor it returns "theName:3737" in the player it returns "Unknown:3737".
QuaternionQuaternions are used to represent rotations.
RangeIntDescribes an integer range.
RasterStateValues for the raster state.
RayRepresentation of rays.
Ray2DA ray in 2D space.
ReadCommandDescribes the offset, size, and destination buffer of a single read operation.
ReadHandleYou can use this handle to query the status of an asynchronous read operation. Note: To avoid a memory leak, you must call Dispose.
RectA 2D Rectangle defined by X and Y position, width and height.
RectangleLightA helper structure used to initialize a LightDataGI structure as a rectangle light.
RectIntA 2D Rectangle defined by x, y, width, height with integers.
ReflectionProbeBlendInfoReflectionProbeBlendInfo contains information required for blending probes.
RenderBufferColor or depth buffer part of a RenderTexture.
RenderQueueRangeDescribes a material render queue range.
RenderStateBlockA set of values used to override the render state. Note that it is not enough to set e.g. blendState, but that mask must also include RenderStateMask.Blend for the override to occur.
RenderStateMappingMaps a RenderType to a specific render state override.
RenderTargetBindingDescribes a render target with one or more color buffers, a depth/stencil buffer and the associated load/store-actions that are applied when the render target is active.
RenderTargetBlendStateValues for the blend state.
RenderTargetIdentifierIdentifies a RenderTexture for a CommandBuffer.
RenderTargetSetupFully describes setup of RenderTarget.
RenderTextureDescriptorThis struct contains all the information required to create a RenderTexture. It can be copied, cached, and reused to easily create RenderTextures that all share the same properties.
ResolutionRepresents a display resolution.
SceneRun-time data structure for *.unity file.
ScriptableCullingParametersParameters controlling culling process in CullResults.
ScriptableRenderContextDefines state and drawing commands used in a custom render pipelines.
ScriptPlayable<T0>A IPlayable implementation that contains a PlayableBehaviour for the PlayableGraph. PlayableBehaviour can be used to write custom Playable that implement their own PrepareFrame callback.
ScriptPlayableOutputA IPlayableOutput implementation that contains a script output for the a PlayableGraph.
SecondaryTileDataDefines the default look of secondary tile.
SemanticMeaningSemantic meaning is a collection of semantic properties of a recognized phrase. These semantic properties can be specified in SRGS grammar files.
ShaderKeywordSetA collection of ShaderKeyword that represents a specific shader variant.
ShaderPassNameShader pass name identifier.
ShadowSplitDataDescribes the culling information for a given shadow split (e.g. directional cascade).
SortingLayerSortingLayer allows you to set the render order of multiple sprites easily. There is always a default SortingLayer named "Default" which all sprites are added to initially. Added more SortingLayers to easily control the order of rendering of groups of sprites. Layers can be ordered before or after the default layer.
SphericalHarmonicsL2Spherical harmonics up to the second order (3 bands, 9 coefficients).
SpotLightA helper structure used to initialize a LightDataGI structure as a spot light.
SpriteBoneA struct that holds a rich set of information that describes the bind pose of this Sprite.
StencilStateValues for the stencil state.
TextureMixerPlayableAn implementation of IPlayable that allows mixing two textures.
TexturePlayableOutputAn IPlayableOutput implementation that will be used to manipulate textures.
TouchStructure describing the status of a finger touching the screen.
TransformAccessPosition, rotation and scale of an object.
UpdateUpdate phase in the native player loop.
Vector2Representation of 2D vectors and points.
Vector2IntRepresentation of 2D vectors and points using integers.
Vector3Representation of 3D vectors and points.
Vector3IntRepresentation of 3D vectors and points using integers.
Vector4Representation of four-dimensional vectors.
VisibleLightHolds data of a visible light.
VisibleReflectionProbeHolds data of a visible reflection probe.


ActivityIndicatorStyleActivityIndicator Style (iOS Specific).
AllocatorUsed to specify allocation type for NativeArray.
AmbientModeAmbient lighting mode.
AndroidActivityIndicatorStyleActivityIndicator Style (Android Specific).
AnisotropicFilteringAnisotropic filtering mode.
ApplicationInstallModeApplication installation mode (Read Only).
ApplicationSandboxTypeApplication sandbox type.
AudioTypeType of the imported(native) data.
BatteryStatusEnumeration for SystemInfo.batteryStatus which represents the current status of the device's battery.
BlendModeBlend mode for controlling the blending.
BlendOpBlend operation.
BlendWeightsBlend weights.
BuiltinRenderTextureTypeBuilt-in temporary render textures produced during camera's rendering.
BuiltinShaderDefineDefines set by editor when compiling shaders, depending on target platform and tier.
BuiltinShaderModeBuilt-in shader modes used by GraphicsSettings.
BuiltinShaderTypeBuilt-in shader types used by GraphicsSettings.
CalendarIdentifierSpecify calendar types.
CalendarUnitSpecify calendrical units.
CameraClearFlagsValues for Camera.clearFlags, determining what to clear when rendering a Camera.
CameraEventDefines a place in camera's rendering to attach CommandBuffer objects to.
CameraHDRModeThe HDR mode to use for rendering.
CameraTypeDescribes different types of camera.
CaptureFlagsFlags that specify which fields to capture in a snapshot.
ColorGamutRepresents a color gamut.
ColorSpaceColor space for player settings.
ColorWriteMaskSpecifies which color components will get written into the target framebuffer.
CompareFunctionDepth or stencil comparison function.
ComputeBufferType ComputeBuffer type.
ComputeQueueTypeDescribes the desired characteristics with respect to prioritisation and load balancing of the queue that a command buffer being submitted via Graphics.ExecuteCommandBufferAsync or [[ScriptableRenderContext.ExecuteCommandBufferAsync] should be sent to.
ConfidenceLevelUsed by KeywordRecognizer, GrammarRecognizer, DictationRecognizer. Phrases under the specified minimum level will be ignored.
ConnectionTargetThe type of the connected target.
CopyTextureSupportSupport for various Graphics.CopyTexture cases.
CubemapFace Cubemap face.
CullModeBackface culling mode.
CursorLockModeHow the cursor should behave.
CursorModeDetermines whether the mouse cursor is rendered using software rendering or, on supported platforms, hardware rendering.
CustomRenderTextureInitializationSourceSpecify the source of a Custom Render Texture initialization.
CustomRenderTextureUpdateModeFrequency of update or initialization of a Custom Render Texture.
CustomRenderTextureUpdateZoneSpaceSpace in which coordinates are provided for Update Zones.
DefaultReflectionModeDefault reflection mode.
DepthTextureModeDepth texture generation mode for Camera.
DeviceGenerationiOS device generation.
DeviceGenerationiOS device generation.
DeviceOrientationDescribes physical orientation of the device as determined by the OS.
DeviceTypeEnumeration for SystemInfo.deviceType, denotes a coarse grouping of kinds of devices.
DictationCompletionCauseRepresents the reason why dictation session has completed.
DictationTopicConstraintDictationTopicConstraint enum specifies the scenario for which a specific dictation recognizer should optimize.
DirectorUpdateModeDefines what time source is used to update a Director graph.
DirectorWrapModeWrap mode for Playables.
DrawRendererFlagsFlags controlling RenderLoop.DrawRenderers.
DrawRendererSortModeType of sorting to use while rendering.
DrivenTransformPropertiesAn enumeration of transform properties that can be driven on a RectTransform by an object.
FalloffTypeAvailable falloff models for baking.
FilterModeFiltering mode for textures. Corresponds to the settings in a texture inspector.
FogModeFog mode to use.
FolderList of accessible folders on Windows Store Apps.
ForcedCrashCategorySpecifies the category of crash to cause when calling ForceCrash().
FormatUsageUse this format usages to figure out the capabilities of specific GraphicsFormat
FullScreenModePlatform agnostic fullscreen mode. Not all platforms support all modes.
FullScreenMovieControlModeDescribes options for displaying movie playback controls.
FullScreenMovieScalingModeDescribes scaling modes for displaying movies.
GradientModeSelect how gradients will be evaluated.
GraphicsDeviceTypeGraphics device API type.
GraphicsFormatUse this format to create either Textures or RenderTextures from scripts.
GraphicsTierGraphics Tier. See Also: Graphics.activeTier.
HideFlagsBit mask that controls object destruction, saving and visibility in inspectors.
IMECompositionModeControls IME input.
IndexFormatFormat of the mesh index buffer data.
JobTypeDetermines what the job is used for (ParallelFor or a single job).
KeyCodeKey codes returned by Event.keyCode. These map directly to a physical key on the keyboard.
LightEventDefines a place in light's rendering to attach CommandBuffer objects to.
LightmapBakeTypeEnum describing what part of a light contribution can be baked.
LightmapsModeLightmap (and lighting) configuration mode, controls how lightmaps interact with lighting and what kind of information they store.
LightmapsModeLegacySingle, dual, or directional lightmaps rendering mode, used only in GIWorkflowMode.Legacy
LightModeThe lightmode. A light can be realtime, mixed, baked or unknown. Unknown lights will be ignored by the baking backends.
LightProbeUsageLight probe interpolation type.
LightRenderModeHow the Light is rendered.
LightShadowCasterModeAllows mixed lights to control shadow caster culling when Shadowmasks are present.
LightShadowResolutionShadow resolution options for a Light.
LightShadowsShadow casting options for a Light.
LightTypeThe type of a Light.
LightTypeThe light type.
LineAlignmentControl the direction lines face, when using the LineRenderer or TrailRenderer.
LineTextureModeChoose how textures are applied to Lines and Trails.
LoadSceneModeUsed when loading a Scene in a player.
LocalPhysicsModeProvides options for 2D and 3D local physics.
LocationServiceStatusDescribes location service status.
LODFadeModeThe LOD fade modes. Modes other than LODFadeMode.None will result in Unity calculating a blend factor for blending/interpolating between two neighbouring LODs and pass it to your shader.
LogTypeThe type of the log message in Debug.unityLogger.Log or delegate registered with Application.RegisterLogCallback.
MaterialGlobalIlluminationFlagsHow the material interacts with lightmaps and lightprobes.
MeshTopologyTopology of Mesh faces.
MixedLightingModeEnum describing what lighting mode to be used with Mixed lights.
MotionVectorGenerationModeThe type of motion vectors that should be generated.
NativeArrayOptionsNativeArrayOptions lets you control if memory should be cleared on allocation or left uninitialized.
NativeLeakDetectionModeNative leak memory leak detection mode enum.
NetworkReachabilityDescribes network reachability options.
NotificationTypeSpecifies local and remote notification types.
NPOTSupportNPOT textures support.
OpaqueSortModeOpaque object sorting mode of a Camera.
OperatingSystemFamilyEnumeration for SystemInfo.operatingSystemFamily.
PassTypeShader pass type for Unity's lighting pipeline.
PersistentListenerModeTHe mode that a listener is operating in.
PlayableTraversalModeTraversal mode for Playables.
PlayStateStatus of a Playable.
PrimitiveTypeThe various primitives that can be created using the GameObject.CreatePrimitive function.
ProfilerAreaThe different areas of profiling, corresponding to the charts in ProfilerWindow.
ReadStatusState of the read operation.
RealtimeGICPUUsageHow much CPU usage to assign to the final lighting calculations at runtime.
ReflectionCubemapCompressionDetermines how Unity will compress baked reflection cubemap.
ReflectionProbeClearFlagsValues for ReflectionProbe.clearFlags, determining what to clear when rendering a ReflectionProbe.
ReflectionProbeModeReflection probe's update mode.
ReflectionProbeRefreshModeAn enum describing the way a realtime reflection probe refreshes in the Player.
ReflectionProbeSortOptionsVisible reflection probes sorting options.
ReflectionProbeTimeSlicingModeWhen a probe's ReflectionProbe.refreshMode is set to ReflectionProbeRefreshMode.EveryFrame, this enum specify whether or not Unity should update the probe's cubemap over several frames or update the whole cubemap in one frame. Updating a probe's cubemap is a costly operation. Unity needs to render the entire Scene for each face of the cubemap, as well as perform special blurring in order to get glossy reflections. The impact on frame rate can be significant. Time-slicing helps maintaning a more constant frame rate during these updates by performing the rendering over several frames.
ReflectionProbeUsageReflection Probe usage.
RenderBufferLoadActionThis enum describes what should be done on the render target when it is activated (loaded).
RenderBufferStoreActionThis enum describes what should be done on the render target when the GPU is done rendering into it.
RendererConfigurationWhat kind of per-object data to setup during rendering.
RenderingPathRendering path of a Camera.
RenderQueueDetermine in which order objects are renderered.
RenderStateMaskSpecifies which parts of the render state that is overriden.
RenderTextureCreationFlagsSet of flags that control the state of a newly-created RenderTexture.
RenderTextureFormatFormat of a RenderTexture.
RenderTextureMemorylessFlags enumeration of the render texture memoryless modes.
RenderTextureReadWriteColor space conversion mode of a RenderTexture.
RuntimeInitializeLoadTypeSet RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod type.
RuntimePlatformThe platform application is running. Returned by Application.platform.
ScheduleModeScheduleMode options for scheduling a manage job.
ScreenOrientationDescribes screen orientation.
SendMessageOptionsOptions for how to send a message.
ShaderKeywordTypeType of a shader keyword, eg: built-in or user defined.
ShadowCastingModeHow shadows are cast from this object.
ShadowMapPassAllows precise control over which shadow map passes to execute CommandBuffer objects attached using Light.AddCommandBuffer.
ShadowmaskModeThe rendering mode of Shadowmask.
ShadowProjectionShadow projection type for Quality Settings.
ShadowQualityDetermines which type of shadows should be used.
ShadowResolutionDefault shadow resolution.
ShadowSamplingModeUsed by CommandBuffer.SetShadowSamplingMode.
SkinQualityThe maximum number of bones affecting a single vertex.
SortFlagsHow to sort objects during rendering.
SpaceThe coordinate space in which to operate.
SpeechErrorRepresents an error in a speech recognition system.
SpeechSystemStatusRepresents the current status of the speech recognition system or a dictation recognizer.
SpriteAlignmentHow a Sprite's graphic rectangle is aligned with its pivot point.
SpriteDrawMode SpriteRenderer draw mode.
SpriteMaskInteractionThis enum controls the mode under which the sprite will interact with the masking system.
SpriteMeshTypeDefines the type of mesh generated for a sprite.
SpritePackingModeSprite packing modes for the Sprite Packer.
SpritePackingRotationSprite rotation modes for the Sprite Packer.
SpriteSortPointDetermines the position of the Sprite used for sorting the Renderer.
SpriteTileModeTiling mode for SpriteRenderer.tileMode.
StackTraceLogTypeStack trace logging options.
StencilOpSpecifies the operation that's performed on the stencil buffer when rendering.
StereoTargetEyeMaskEnum values for the Camera's targetEye property.
SynchronisationStageBroadly describes the stages of processing a draw call on the GPU.
SystemGestureDeferModeBit-mask used to control the deferring of system gestures on iOS.
SystemLanguageThe language the user's operating system is running in. Returned by Application.systemLanguage.
TextureCompressionQualityCompression Quality.
TextureDimensionTexture "dimension" (type).
TextureFormatFormat used when creating textures from scripts.
TextureWrapModeWrap mode for textures.
ThreadPriorityPriority of a thread.
TileForegroundTextStyle for foreground text on a secondary tile.
TileTemplateTemplates for various tile styles.
ToastTemplateTemplates for various toast styles.
TouchPhaseDescribes phase of a finger touch.
TouchScreenKeyboardTypeEnumeration of the different types of supported touchscreen keyboards.
TouchTypeDescribes whether a touch is direct, indirect (or remote), or from a stylus.
TransparencySortModeTransparent object sorting mode of a Camera.
UnityEventCallStateControls the scope of UnityEvent callbacks.
UnloadSceneOptionsScene unloading options passed to SceneManager.UnloadScene.
UserAuthorizationConstants to pass to Application.RequestUserAuthorization.
VertexAttributeA list of data channels that describe a vertex in a mesh.
VisibleLightFlagsFlags for VisibleLight.
VRTextureUsageThis enum describes how the RenderTexture is used as a VR eye texture. Instead of using the values of this enum manually, use the value returned by eyeTextureDesc or other VR functions returning a RenderTextureDescriptor.
WeightedModeSets which weights to use when calculating curve segments.
WindowActivationStateSpecifies the set of reasons that a windowActivated event was raised.
WrapModeDetermines how time is treated outside of the keyframed range of an AnimationClip or AnimationCurve.