Legacy Documentation: Version 5.5
The HDRI view
Environment Shadow

HDRI menus

HDRI main settings

Use these settings to apply lighting and shadow changes to all HDRIs in the HDRI view with one action.

Main setting buttons
Main setting buttons

Use the lightbulb button to synchronise light placement vertically across all HDRI environments. This is useful if you are switching from one environment to another and you want to keep the shadow direction similar for comparison.

The lighbulb button synchronises light placement
The lighbulb button synchronises light placement

: Use this button to reset the lighting position of all HDRIs.

HDRI individual settings

Click on the 3-lines button (highlighted here) to access each HDRIs properties menu
Click on the 3-lines button (highlighted here) to access each HDRI’s properties menu

Each HDRI has its own menu to control its properties. To access this, click on the three-lines button (a representation of three sliders) underneath the Environment button.


Menu Item Properties
Angle Offset Give a number by which to offset the angle of the HDRI (shortcut: left click+Ctrl on the HDRI thumbnail in the HDRI View). This offset is unique to the HDRI selected and is different from the Rotation slider in the Look Dev Views menu, which works independently from the HDRI offset.
Reset Environment Resets the Angle offset to default (0).
An environment in Look Dev with two different angle offsets applied to it
An environment in Look Dev with two different angle offsets applied to it


This applies only if Environment Shadow is enabled.

Menu item Properties
Shadow brightness Controls the brightness of the shadow.
Color Controls the color of the shadow. This is useful to match particular lighting conditions (for example if the lighting is all blue).
Set to brightest Sets the position of the shadow direction to the brightest texel of the HDRI thumbnail.
Reset Shadows Resets all shadow controls to default.
The Shadows menu
The Shadows menu
The HDRI view
Environment Shadow
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