Legacy Documentation: Version 5.5
Rigidbody 2D
Circle Collider 2D

Collider 2D

Colliders define an approximate shape for an object that’s used by the physics engine to determine collisions with other objects.

2D colliders all have names ending ‘2D’. A collider named without a ‘2D’ ending is a 3D joint. Note that you can’t mix 3D game objects and 2D colliders or 2D game objects and 3D colliders.

The collider types that can be used with Rigidbody 2D are:

See the pages about these components for further details.


Note that a Collider’s mass determines the Rigidbody’s mass if you have Use Auto Mass selected. This option is good to use in conjunction with the Buoyancy Effector 2D.

Rigidbody 2D
Circle Collider 2D
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