Legacy Documentation: Version 5.5
Windows Store Apps
Windows Store Apps: Deployment

Getting Started

Currently if you want to build a Windows Store Apps player:

  • you have to do it on Windows 8.1 or higher when targeting SDK 8.1
  • you have to do it on Windows 10 or higher when targeting Universal Windows 10 Apps SDK.

Unity supports three Windows Store Apps targets:

  • X86 and ARM (when targeting SDK 8.1)
  • X86, X64 and ARM (when targeting Universal Windows 10 Apps)

There are three configurations (select them is Visual Studio):

  • Debug for debugging purposes
  • Release for profiling
  • Master for submission to store

The player log is located under <user>\AppData\Local\Packages\<productname>\TempState. See also log files.

Things that are not yet supported:

  • Legacy Network classes (please use current Unity Networking), WWW and UnityWebRequest are supported
  • GameObject.SendMessage (partially works, but function which accepts the message must match the message sent, because the argument conversion doesn’t work)
  • You can’t access C# classes from JS scripts unless you check .NET Core Partially in Compilation Overrides in PlayerSettings

Requirements when targeting Windows SDK 8.1/Windows Phone SDK 8.1/Universal SDK 8.1:

  • Windows 8.1 (Note: Windows 8.1 N users should install this patch http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=40744) or higher
  • Visual Studio 2013 (12.021005.1 or higher)
  • Testing devices:
    • For basic testing of Windows SDK 8.1, same PC which is used for development is enough.
    • For basic testing of Phone 8.1, it’s advisable to acquire a real Windows Phone 8.1 device, because the emulator has a bug with touch input.

Requirements when targeting Universal Windows 10 Apps SDK:

  • Windows 10.0
  • Visual Studio 2015 (RTM or later)
  • Windows 10 Universal SDK
  • Testing devices:
    • For basic testing of Windows SDK 10, same PC which is used for development is enough.
    • For basic testing of Phone 10, it’s advisable to acquire a real Windows Phone 10 device.

Before you can proceed you need to acquire Windows Store developer license, this can be done in two following ways:

Helpful links

Windows Store Apps
Windows Store Apps: Deployment
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