Legacy Documentation: Version 5.5
Lights module
Renderer module

Trails module

Add trails to a percentage of your particles using this module. This module shares a number of properties with the Trail Renderer component, but offers the ability to easily attach Trails to particles, and to inherit various properties from the particles. Trails can be useful for a variety of effects, such as bullets, smoke, and magic visuals.


Property Function
Ratio A value between 0 and 1, describing the proportion of particles that have a Trail assigned to them. Trails are assigned randomly, so this value represents a probability.
Lifetime The lifetime of each vertex in the Trail, expressed as a multiplier of the lifetime of the particle it belongs to. When each new vertex is added to the Trail, it disappears after it has been in existence longer than its total lifetime.
Minimum Vertex Distance Define the distance a particle must travel before its Trail receives a new vertex.
Texture Mode Choose whether the Texture applied to the Trail is stretched along its entire length, or if it repeats every N units of distance. The repeat rate is controlled based on the Tiling parameters in the Material.
World Space When enabled, Trail vertices do not move relative to the Particle System’s GameObject, even if using Local Simulation Space. Instead, the Trail vertices are dropped in the world, and ignore any movement of the Particle System.
Die With Particles If enabled (the box is checked), Trails vanish instantly when their particles die. If not enabled (the box is unchecked) the remaining Trail expires naturally based on its own remaining lifetime.
Size Affects Width If enabled (the box is checked), the Trail width is multiplied by the particle size.
Size Affects Lifetime If enabled (the box is checked), the Trail lifetime is multiplied by the particle size.
Inherit Particle Color If enabled (the box is checked), the Trail color is modulated by the particle color.
Color Over Lifetime A curve to control the color of the entire Trail over the lifetime of the particle it is attached to.
Width Over Trail A curve to control the width of the Trail over its length.
Color Over Trail A curve to control the color of the Trail over its length.
Lights module
Renderer module
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