Attaching MonoDevelop Debugger To An Android Device
Unity Test Runner

Log Files

There might be times during development when you need to obtain information from the logs of the standalone player you’ve built, the target device, or the Editor. Usually you need to see these files when you have experienced a problem, to find out exactly where the problem occurred.

On macOS, you can access the Player and Editor logs through the utility.

On Windows, you can find the Editor log file in the local application data folder <LOCALAPPDATA>\Unity\Editor\Editor.log, where CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA defines <LOCALAPPDATA>.


To view the Editor log, open a Console Window (menu: Window > General > Console) and select Open Editor Log from the Console window menu.

Operating system Log files
Linux ~/.config/unity3d/Editor.log
macOS ~/Library/Logs/Unity/Editor.log
Windows C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Unity\Editor\Editor.log

On macOS, you can also use the utility to find the log under the ~/Library/Logs/Unity folder.

On Windows, you can find the Editor log file in the local application data folder <LOCALAPPDATA>\Unity\Editor\Editor.log, where CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA defines <LOCALAPPDATA>.


Operating system Log files
Linux ~/.config/unity3d/CompanyName/ProductName/Player.log
macOS ~/Library/Logs/Company Name/Product Name/Player.log
Windows C:\Users\username\AppData\LocalLow\CompanyName\ProductName\Player.log

On Windows and Linux standalones, you can change the location of the log file, or stop Unity from logging to it. For more information, see the Command line arguments documentation.


Access the device log in XCode via the GDB console or the Organizer Console. The latter is useful for getting crashlogs when your application is not running through the XCode debugger.

See the documentation on Troubleshooting and Reporting crash bugs for information about debugging crashes and issues.


Use the logcat console to access your device log. To use it, launch the adb application in the Android SDK/platform-tools directory with the logcat parameter:

$ adb logcat

You can also use the Dalvik Debug Monitor Server (DDMS) to access the logcat console. To launch DDMS, start it either from Eclipse or from inside Android SDK/tools. DDMS also provides a number of other debug-related tools.

Universal Windows Platform

Device Log files
Desktop %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Packages<productname>\TempState\UnityPlayer.log
Windows Phone You can retrieve your Windows Phone log with Windows Phone Power Tools. The Windows Phone IsoStoreSpy also provides a number of helpful debugging tools.


For WebGL, Unity writes the log output to your browser’s JavaScript console.

Accessing log files on Windows

On Windows Vista and Windows 7, to make the AppData folder visible in Windows Explorer go to Tools > Folder Options > View (tab). The Tools menu is hidden by default. Press the Alt key once to display it.

On Windows 10, to make the AppData folder visible in Windows Explorer go to View > Show/hide and enable the Hidden items option.

On Windows, no standard out stream exists by default, so you must launch the Editor with a valid configured stdout stream, like as a child process from a CI system. If you specify - to send output to stdout you won’t see the output in the console window.

  • Tizen support discontinued in 2017.3 NewIn20173

Attaching MonoDevelop Debugger To An Android Device
Unity Test Runner
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