Version: 2018.2





Possible NetworkTransport errors.

A group of possible NetworkTransport errors. If an error is returned from a NetworkTransport function, you can use NetworkError to find out what type of error occured. Make sure to use NetworkTransport.Receive or similar to listen for these type of events.

//Create a Button (Create>UI>Button) for the host.

//Attach this Button in the Inspector of your GameObject.

//In Play Mode, click the Button to connect. If the connection works, the details are output to the Console window. If there is an error, the error is output to the console.

using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Networking; using UnityEngine.UI;

public class Example : MonoBehaviour { int m_ServerSocket;

HostTopology m_HostTopology;

//These are the Buttons that start the client and server, and the Button for sending messages //Assure that you assign these in the Inspector before testing public Button m_ServerButton;

void Start() { //Set up the Connection Configuration which holds channel information ConnectionConfig config = new ConnectionConfig();

//Create a new Host information based on the configuration created, and the maximum connections allowed (20) m_HostTopology = new HostTopology(config, 20); //Initialise the NetworkTransport NetworkTransport.Init();

//Call the ServerButton function when you click the server Button m_ServerButton.onClick.AddListener(ServerButton); }

void Update() { //These are the variables that are replaced by the incoming message int outHostId; int outConnectionId; int outChannelId; byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int receivedSize; byte error;

//Set up the Network Transport to receive the incoming message, and decide what type of event NetworkEventType eventType = NetworkTransport.Receive(out outHostId, out outConnectionId, out outChannelId, buffer, buffer.Length, out receivedSize, out error);

switch (eventType) { //Use this case when there is a connection detected case NetworkEventType.ConnectEvent: { //Call the function to deal with the received information OnConnect(outHostId, outConnectionId, (NetworkError)error); break; }

case NetworkEventType.Nothing: break;

default: //Output the error Debug.LogError("Unknown network message type received: " + eventType); break; } }

//This function is called when a connection is detected void OnConnect(int hostID, int connectionID, NetworkError error) { //Output the given information to the console Debug.Log("OnConnect(hostId = " + hostID + ", connectionId = " + connectionID + ", error = " + error.ToString() + ")"); }

void ServerButton() { byte error; //Open the sockets for sending and receiving the messages on port 54321 m_ServerSocket = NetworkTransport.AddHost(m_HostTopology, 54321); //Connect the "server" NetworkTransport.Connect(m_ServerSocket, "", 54321, 0, out error); //Check for if there is an error if ((NetworkError)error != NetworkError.Ok) { //Output this message in the console with the Network Error Debug.Log("There was this error : " + (NetworkError)error); } //Otherwise if no errors occur, output this message to the console else Debug.Log("Connected : " + (NetworkError)error); } }


OkThe operation completed successfully.
WrongHostThe specified host not available.
WrongConnectionThe specified connectionId doesn't exist.
WrongChannelThe specified channel doesn't exist.
NoResourcesNot enough resources are available to process this request.
BadMessageNot a data message.
TimeoutConnection timed out.
MessageToLongThe message is too long to fit the buffer.
VersionMismatchThe protocol versions are not compatible. Check your library versions.
CRCMismatchThe ConnectionConfig does not match the other endpoint.
DNSFailure接続するために与えられたアドレスが無効だったか、アドレスの DNS 解決に失敗しました。
UsageErrorThis error will occur if any function is called with inappropriate parameter values.
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