Version: 2022.1
言語: 日本語
Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


class in UnityEditor.Experimental.GraphView





GraphView Port class.


allowMultiDragWhen this property is set to true, you can select multiple edges connected to this port, and drag them all at the same time (for example, to disconnect them and reconnect them to another port). When this property is set to false, you can only drag one connected edge at a time.
capacitySpecify how many edges a port can have connected.
collapsedPort's collapsed state.
connectedPort's connected state.
connectionsAll the port's current connections.
directionPort's direction.
disabledPortColorThe color of the port when disabled.
edgeConnectorReference to the edge connector.
highlightIs the port highlighted.
nodePort's node.
orientationPort's orientation.
portCapLitIs the port cap lit or not.
portColorThe color of the port.
portNamePort name.
portTypePort type.
showInMiniMapWhether the element is shown in the minimap. For Port, this property is always set to false.
sourcePort's source.
visualClassThe name of the uss class to use to style the port.

Public 関数

ConnectConnect and edge to the port.
ConnectToCreates an edge between this port and the 'other' port.
ContainsPointCheck if point is on top of port. Used for selection and hover.
DisconnectDisconnect edge from port.
DisconnectAllDisconnect all edges from port.
GetGlobalCenterGet the port's center.
OnStartEdgeDraggingCalled when an edge is dragged.
OnStopEdgeDraggingCalled when an edge dragging ends.

Protected 関数

OnCustomStyleResolvedCalled when the custom style properties are resolved.

Static 関数

CreateFactory method for creating a port.



capabilitiesThe GraphElement's capabilities.
elementTypeColorThe color used for the MiniMap view.
layerThe GraphElement's layer in the graph.
selectedTrue if the GraphElement is currently selected.
showInMiniMapWhether the element is shown in the minimap.
titleThe GraphElement's title.

Public 関数

GetPositionGet the GraphElement position.
HitTestSee if point is over the GraphElement.
IsAscendableChecks if the GraphElement is automatically brought to front when selected.
IsCopiableChecks whether the GraphElement is copiable.
IsDroppableThe GraphElement is drag&droppable.
IsGroupableChecks whether the GraphElement is groupable.
IsMovableThe GraphElement is movable.
IsRenamableThe GraphElement is renamable.
IsResizableThe GraphElement is resizable.
IsSelectableThe GraphElement is selectable.
IsSelectedThe GraphElement is currently selected in specific container.
IsSnappableChecks whether the GraphElement is snappable.
IsStackableChecks whether the GraphElement is stackable.
OnSelectedCalled when the GraphElement is selected.
OnUnselectedCalled when the GraphElement is unselected.
ResetLayerReset the GraphElement to its original layer.
SelectSelect the GraphElement.
SetPositionSet the GraphElement position.
UnselectDeselect the GraphElement.

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