Version: 2022.3
언어: 한국어


struct in UnityEngine.Rendering

매뉴얼로 전환


Represents settings that Unity applies to draw commands in this draw range.

For more information, see BatchRendererGroup.


allDepthSortedIndicates whether all draw commands in the current draw range have the BatchDrawCommandFlags.HasSortingPosition flag set.
layerThe layer to use for draw commands in this draw range.
motionModeSpecifies how to generate motion vectors in this draw range.
receiveShadowsndicates whether instances from draw commands in this draw range should receive shadows.
renderingLayerMaskThe rendering layer mask to use for draw commands in this draw range.
shadowCastingModeSpecifies how instances from the draw commands in this draw range cast shadows.
staticShadowCasterIndicates whether instances from the draw commands in this draw range render into cached shadow maps.
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