Version: 2021.1
言語: 日本語





Handles.DrawCamera の描画モード


UserDefinedA custom mode defined by the user.
NormalGame ウィンドウに描画されるものと同じ方法で描画します。これはカメラのクリアフラグを使用しています。
ShadowCascadesThe camera is set to draw directional light shadow map cascades.
RenderPathsThe camera is set to draw color coded render paths.
AlphaChannelThe camera is set to display the alpha channel of the rendering.
OverdrawThe camera is set to display Scene overdraw, with brighter colors indicating more overdraw.
MipmapsThe camera is set to display the texture resolution, with a red tint indicating resolution that is too high, and a blue tint indicating texture sizes that could be higher.
DeferredDiffuseDraw diffuse color of Deferred Shading G-buffer.
DeferredSpecularDraw specular color of Deferred Shading G-buffer.
DeferredSmoothnessDraw smoothness value of Deferred Shading G-buffer.
DeferredNormalDraw world space normal of Deferred Shading G-buffer.
RealtimeChartingDraw objects with different colors for each real-time chart (UV island).
Systems各 GI システムごとに異なる色でオブジェクトを描写します
RealtimeAlbedoDraw objects with the real-time GI albedo component only.
RealtimeEmissiveDraw objects with the real-time GI emission component only.
RealtimeIndirectDraw objects with the real-time GI indirect light only.
RealtimeDirectionalityDraw objects with the real-time GI directionality component only.
BakedLightmapDraw objects with the baked lightmap only.
ClusteringDraw with different colors for each cluster.
LitClusteringlit クラスターを描写します
ValidateAlbedoThe camera is set to draw a physically based, albedo validated rendering.
ValidateMetalSpecularThe camera is set to draw a physically based, metal or specular validated rendering.
ShadowMasksThe camera is set to display colored ShadowMasks, coloring light gizmo with the same color.
LightOverlapThe camera is set to show in red static lights that fall back to 'static' because more than four light volumes are overlapping.
BakedAlbedoDraw objects with the baked albedo component only.
BakedEmissiveDraw objects with the baked emission component only.
BakedDirectionalityDraw objects with the baked directionality component only.
BakedTexelValidityDraw objects with baked texel validity only.
BakedIndicesDraw objects with baked indices only.
BakedChartingDraw objects with different colors for each baked chart (UV island).
SpriteMaskThe camera is set to display SpriteMask and SpriteRenderer with SpriteRenderer.maskInteraction set.
BakedUVOverlapDraw objects with overlapping lightmap texels highlighted.
TextureStreamingThe camera is set to run in texture streaming debug mode.
BakedLightmapCullingDraw objects with visible lightmap texels highlighted.
GIContributorsReceiversDraw Mesh Renderers and Terrains in different colors to show their StaticEditorFlags.ContributeGI / ReceiveGI properties. With default colors: Yellow means 'ContributeGI' is off. Blue means that 'ContributeGI' is on and the object receives GI from lightmaps. See Also: ReceiveGI.Lightmaps Red means that 'ContributeGI' is on, but that the object receives GI from Light Probes instead. See Also: ReceiveGI.LightProbes.All colors can be adjusted under Preferences > Colors.

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