Version: 2022.3
言語: 日本語


class in UnityEngine.Device



Access to platform-specific application runtime data.

This class has the same functionality as Application and also mimics platform-specific behavior in the Unity Editor. Use it together with the Device Simulator to test platform-specific behaviors inside the Editor. Outside of the Editor, this class behaves exactly like the Application class. Unity strips all simulation capabilities during the build process. Use the original Application class if you work directly with the Unity Editor (for example, to create a custom Editor tool) and you don't need to use any simulated values.

Static 変数

absoluteURLThis has the same functionality as Application.absoluteURL. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this property.
backgroundLoadingPriorityThis has the same functionality as Application.backgroundLoadingPriority. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this property.
buildGUIDThis has the same functionality as Application.buildGUID. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this property.
cloudProjectIdThis has the same functionality as Application.cloudProjectId. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this property.
companyNameThis has the same functionality as Application.companyName. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this property.
consoleLogPathThis has the same functionality as Application.consoleLogPath. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this property.
dataPathThis has the same functionality as Application.dataPath. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this property.
exitCancellationTokenCancellation token raised on exiting play mode (editor) or on quitting the application (Read Only).
genuineThis has the same functionality as Application.genuine. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this property.
genuineCheckAvailableThis has the same functionality as Application.genuineCheckAvailable. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this property.
identifierThis has the same functionality as Application.identifier. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this property.
installerNameThis has the same functionality as Application.installerName. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this property.
installModeThis has the same functionality as Application.installMode. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this property.
internetReachabilityThis has the same functionality as Application.internetReachability and also mimics platform-specific behavior in the Unity Editor.
isBatchModeThis has the same functionality as Application.isBatchMode. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this property.
isConsolePlatformThis has the same functionality as Application.isConsolePlatform and also mimics platform-specific behavior in the Unity Editor.
isEditorThis has the same functionality as Application.isEditor and also mimics platform-specific behavior in the Unity Editor.
isFocusedThis has the same functionality as Application.isFocused. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this property.
isMobilePlatformThis has the same functionality as Application.isMobilePlatform and also mimics platform-specific behavior in the Unity Editor.
isPlayingThis has the same functionality as Application.isPlaying. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this property.
persistentDataPathThis has the same functionality as Application.persistentDataPath. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this property.
platformThis has the same functionality as Application.platform and also mimics platform-specific behavior in the Unity Editor.
productNameThis has the same functionality as Application.productName. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this property.
runInBackgroundThis has the same functionality as Application.runInBackground. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this property.
sandboxTypeThis has the same functionality as Application.sandboxType. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this property.
streamingAssetsPathThis has the same functionality as Application.streamingAssetsPath. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this property.
systemLanguageThis has the same functionality as Application.systemLanguage and also mimics platform-specific behavior in the Unity Editor.
targetFrameRateThis has the same functionality as Application.targetFrameRate. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this property.
temporaryCachePathThis has the same functionality as Application.temporaryCachePath. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this property.
unityVersionThis has the same functionality as Application.unityVersion. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this property.
versionThis has the same functionality as Application.version. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this property.

Static 関数

CanStreamedLevelBeLoadedThis has the same functionality as Application.CanStreamedLevelBeLoaded. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this method.
GetStackTraceLogTypeThis has the same functionality as Application.GetStackTraceLogType. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this method.
HasProLicenseThis has the same functionality as Application.HasProLicense. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this method.
HasUserAuthorizationThis has the same functionality as Application.HasUserAuthorization. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this method.
IsPlayingThis has the same functionality as Application.IsPlaying. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this method.
OpenURLThis has the same functionality as Application.OpenURL. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this method.
QuitThis has the same functionality as Application.Quit. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this method.
RequestAdvertisingIdentifierAsyncThis has the same functionality as Application.RequestAdvertisingIdentifierAsync. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this method.
RequestUserAuthorizationThis has the same functionality as Application.RequestUserAuthorization. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this method.
SetStackTraceLogTypeThis has the same functionality as Application.SetStackTraceLogType. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this method.
UnloadThis has the same functionality as Application.Unload. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this method.


deepLinkActivatedThis has the same functionality as Application.deepLinkActivated. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this event.
focusChangedThis has the same functionality as Application.focusChanged. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this event.
logMessageReceivedThis has the same functionality as Application.logMessageReceived. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this event.
logMessageReceivedThreadedThis has the same functionality as Application.logMessageReceivedThreaded. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this event.
lowMemoryThis has the same functionality as Application.lowMemory and also mimics platform-specific behavior in the Unity Editor.
memoryUsageChangedThis has the same functionality as Application.memoryUsageChanged.
onBeforeRenderThis has the same functionality as Application.onBeforeRender. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this event.
quittingThis has the same functionality as Application.quitting. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this event.
unloadingThis has the same functionality as Application.unloading. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this event.
wantsToQuitThis has the same functionality as Application.wantsToQuit. At the moment, the Device Simulator doesn't support simulation of this event.

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