Version: 2021.3
发布到 iOS


When you’ve configured your project in Unity Cloud Build, you can set up advanced build options for each of your build targets.

These options accommodate the more complex build processing options supported in the Unity Editor.

To access your build target’s advanced options, go to the Unity Developer website. Select your project, enter the Unity Cloud Build section for the project, then select the Config tab, shown below.

Config tab
Config tab

Click Advanced Options.

When you click the Advanced Options drop-down, the build target’s advanced options are displayed.

Click Edit Advanced Options to bring up a screen to configure these options.

Edit Advanced Options 屏幕
Edit Advanced Options 屏幕

Advanced options per build target

All advanced options are set per build target. This means that, for example, when you click the Advanced Options link for an iOS target, those options are only for that iOS target. When you click Advanced Options for an Android target, those options are only for that Android target. This lets you use different pre- and post-methods per platform, per build target.

The table below describes the Advanced Options.

属性 描述
Development Builds A development build includes debug symbols and enables the Profiler. For more information, see Development builds.
Pre-Export Method Manipulate Project files before the Project is built. Examples include copying variables from an external file into the Project, processing Assets, or working with plug-ins that require special treatment. For more information, see Pre- and post-export methods.
Pre-Build Script Cloud Build will run this script before the Unity build process starts. You can use this script for custom pre/post processing.
Post-Build Script Cloud Build will run this script after the Unity build process is completed. You can use this script for custom pre/post processing.
Custom Defines Unity includes a feature called Platform Dependent Compilation. This consists of preprocessor directives that let you partition your scripts to compile and execute a section of code exclusively for one of the supported platforms. You can also specify your own #define directives for each build target. For more information, see Custom scripting #define directives.
Scene List Use this to configure a build target to build a set of Scenes that’s different to what is set up in the project’s Build Settings menu in the Unity Editor. For more information, see Including specific Scenes.

Using Xcode frameworks

如果要发布到 iOS,则在 Unity 编译过程完成后但在 Xcode 编译过程开始之前,您可能需要纳入各种框架。

See Xcode frameworks for more information.

发布到 iOS
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