Version: 2021.3
言語: 日本語


struct in UnityEngine.Rendering



Values for the stencil state.

Use this with RenderStateBlock and ScriptableRenderContext.DrawRenderers to override the GPU's render state.

Corresponds to the Stencil command in ShaderLab.

See Also: RenderStateBlock, [[ScriptableRenderContext.DrawRenderers], ShaderLab command: Stencil.

Static 変数

defaultValueDefault values for the stencil state.


compareFunctionBackThe function used to compare the reference value to the current contents of the buffer for back-facing geometry.
compareFunctionFrontThe function used to compare the reference value to the current contents of the buffer for front-facing geometry.
enabledControls whether the stencil buffer is enabled.
failOperationBackWhat to do with the contents of the buffer if the stencil test fails for back-facing geometry.
failOperationFrontWhat to do with the contents of the buffer if the stencil test fails for front-facing geometry.
passOperationBackWhat to do with the contents of the buffer if the stencil test (and the depth test) passes for back-facing geometry.
passOperationFrontWhat to do with the contents of the buffer if the stencil test (and the depth test) passes for front-facing geometry.
readMaskAn 8 bit mask as an 0–255 integer, used when comparing the reference value with the contents of the buffer.
writeMaskAn 8 bit mask as an 0–255 integer, used when writing to the buffer.
zFailOperationBackWhat to do with the contents of the buffer if the stencil test passes, but the depth test fails for back-facing geometry.
zFailOperationFrontWhat to do with the contents of the buffer if the stencil test passes, but the depth test fails for front-facing geometry.


StencilStateCreates a new stencil state with the given values.

Public 関数

SetCompareFunctionThe function used to compare the reference value to the current contents of the buffer.
SetFailOperationWhat to do with the contents of the buffer if the stencil test fails.
SetPassOperationWhat to do with the contents of the buffer if the stencil test (and the depth test) passes.
SetZFailOperationWhat to do with the contents of the buffer if the stencil test passes, but the depth test fails.

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