Version: 2023.2
Language : English
Transparent Cutout Bumped Specular
Self-Illuminated Vertex-Lit

Self-Illuminated Shader Family

Note. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces these shadersA program that runs on the GPU. More info
See in Glossary

The Self-Illuminated shaders will emit light only onto themselves based on an attached alpha channel. They do not require any Lights to shine on them to emit this light. Any vertex lights or pixelThe smallest unit in a computer image. Pixel size depends on your screen resolution. Pixel lighting is calculated at every screen pixel. More info
See in Glossary
lights will simply add more light on top of the self-illumination.

This is mostly used for light emitting objects. For example, parts of the wall texture could be self-illuminated to simulate lights or displays. It can also be useful to light power-up objects that should always have consistent lighting throughout the game, regardless of the lights shining on it.

Self-Illuminated Vertex-Lit


Assets needed:

  • One Base texture, no alpha channel required
  • One Illumination texture with alpha channel for Illumination Map

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Self-Illuminated Diffuse


Assets needed:

  • One Base texture, no alpha channel required
  • One Illumination texture with alpha channel for Illumination Map

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Self-Illuminated Specular


Assets needed:

  • One Base texture with alpha channel for Specular Map
  • One Illumination texture with alpha channel for Illumination Map

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Self-Illuminated Bumped


Assets needed:

  • One Base texture, no alpha channel required
  • One Normal mapA type of Bump Map texture that allows you to add surface detail such as bumps, grooves, and scratches to a model which catch the light as if they are represented by real geometry.
    See in Glossary
    normal map with alpha channel for Illumination

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Self-Illuminated Bumped Specular


Assets needed:

  • One Base texture with alpha channel for Specular Map
  • One Normal map normal map with alpha channel for Illumination Map

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Self-Illuminated Parallax


Assets needed:

  • One Base texture, no alpha channel required
  • One Normal map normal map with alpha channel for Illumination Map & Parallax Depth combined

Note: One consideration of this shader is that the Bumpmap texture’s alpha channel doubles as a Illumination and the Parallax Depth.

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Self-Illuminated Parallax Specular


Assets needed:

  • One Base texture with alpha channel for Specular Map
  • One Normal map normal map with alpha channel for Illumination Map & Parallax Depth combined

Note: One consideration of this shader is that the Bumpmap texture’s alpha channel doubles as a Illumination and the Parallax Depth.

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Transparent Cutout Bumped Specular
Self-Illuminated Vertex-Lit
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