
class in UnityEditor


A static class for interacting with the Scene View icons and gizmos for types.

using System;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;

// An Editor Window that lets you edit the gizmo and icon properties for each selected component.
public class GizmoUtilityExample  : EditorWindow
    [MenuItem("Window/Gizmo Window")]
    static void Init() => GetWindow<GizmoUtilityExample>();

    Vector2 m_Scroll;

    void OnEnable()
        autoRepaintOnSceneChange = true;

    void OnGUI()
        GizmoUtility.use3dIcons = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("3D Icons", GizmoUtility.use3dIcons);

        GizmoUtility.iconSize = EditorGUILayout.Slider("3D Icon Size", GizmoUtility.iconSize, 0f, 1f);

        m_Scroll = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(m_Scroll);

        foreach (var go in Selection.gameObjects)
            GUILayout.Label($"{} Gizmos", EditorStyles.boldLabel);

            foreach (var component in go.GetComponents<Component>())
                // A component can have gizmos, an icon, both, or neither. A gizmo can also be disabled (the Editor
                // is collapsed in the Inspector).
                if (GizmoUtility.TryGetGizmoInfo(component.GetType(), out GizmoInfo info))

                    if (info.hasGizmo)
                        info.gizmoEnabled = EditorGUILayout.Toggle($"{} Gizmo", info.gizmoEnabled);

                    if (info.hasIcon)
                        info.iconEnabled = EditorGUILayout.Toggle($"{} Icon", info.iconEnabled);

                    if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())


Static Properties

iconSizeControl the size that 3D icons render in the Scene View.
use3dIconsDetermines whether icons in the Scene View are a fixed size (false) or scaled relative to distance from the camera and iconSize.

Static Methods

ApplyGizmoInfoApply gizmoEnabled and iconEnabled for a GizmoInfo object.
GetGizmoInfoGet GizmoInfo for all components with gizmos or icons in the project.
SetGizmoEnabledEnable or disable gizmo rendering in the Scene View for a component type. Gizmos are the simple lines and guides drawn by component editors. For example, the Camera frustum guidelines are gizmos.
SetIconEnabledEnable or disable icon rendering for all objects in the Scene View for a component type.
TryGetGizmoInfoGet a GizmoInfo for a type if it exists.

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